[@Vampire Stepdad] Varrus sat at his desk in the med bay looking at the data he recorded. [color=violet]I thought looking at it would help more but it doesn't. Perhaps I should start over.[/color] He gazed at the door way and had to do a double take when he thought he noticed someone. He stood up from his desk and walked over to the door to open it. [color=violet]Sorry, I was unaware anyone would actually show up. Please, come on in.[/color] Kotze would notice a voice in his head that was not his as Varrus spoke. Varrus moved to the side to allow Kotze into the room. Varrus then lead him over to a chair. [color=violet]Have a seat if you'd like. Can I get you anything to drink? I wasn't sure anyone would show up so I'm a little unprepared.[/color] Varrus said as he filled to cups of water. He approached Kotze and handed him a cup. [color=violet]My name is Varrus. I'm the new medical officer on board. I joined yesterday so I don't have anyone medical information just yet. That's why I sent out the message to everyone. In most tests, they require you to only wear undergarments but the equipment we have won't make that nesseccary unless there is a issue or injury I need to observe. Before we begin, are there any questions you have?[/color] Varrus stood up from his chair and began to prep some of the equipment. [color=violet]Oh I almost forgot. This may sound insensitive but being we are a rather meant for suicide missions, I was wondering if you would sign a waiver to donate you body to science. You don't have to sign but I would be...[/color] His facial tentacles twitched a bit. [color=violet]Ecstatic if you did.[/color]