[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmUwYTAwMC5XbUZqYUdGeWVTQk9lWEpwWkEsLC4w/radcliffe.display-bold-italic.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/vg3Ydu_3KzAHQbh7UDnham1Hqqcof4lMH6NVXx4Cy_w/https/2.bp.blogspot.com/-CcYd8Jyz1Wo/WSKo-e7PrwI/AAAAAAAAB8I/cS3z2Cy0trsxpoo0rf0IB4LvgujiljX-gCLcB/s1600/bard%2Band%2Brobin.jpg?width=489&height=678[/img][/center] [hr] It was with a sudden jolt that Zachary lost his balance and slid deeper into the carriage from where he was. He could hear the horses protest in a panic as the coachman tried to calm them down. The bard's bird friend fluttered around in the air in a quick panic, soon landing on the boy's shoulder as he clambered his way to the carriage's front. [color=Gold]"What seems to be amiss-"[/color] Zachary started but soon could see for himself. From the carriage's view atop a tall hill he could see it all: the port was under siege. Zachary was dumbstruck as he witnessed multiple ships at the harbor blasting cannonballs into the city, lighting many buildings ablaze. A bell rung in the distance which range constantly which would seem to cause civilians to flee inland towards where Zachary currently was. Zachary's eyes were wide and mouth was slightly gaping as he took in the sight. [color=Gold]"[i]Por los dioses[/i],"[/color] Zachary whispered under his breath. Without another moment's hesitation the bard leapt off the carriage and began to run towards Port Sesta with his bird in quick tow. The coachman shouted at Zachary as the boy ran, something about danger and pirates but Zachary was hearing none of it. There were people that needed his help somewhere in the city. It wasn't but a few minutes that Zachary's run had landed him at the entrance of the city. Dozens of the city's denizens were running in terror from where he just came from whilst the guards were stopping anyone from reentering. To the bard's luck they were focusing on the streets and not the rooftops. Zachary slung his instrument behind him and quickly ran off the path out of the guardsmen's sights. Quickly scaling the buildings and sliding into the alleyways within the city, Zachary looked over at his bird companion. [color=Gold]"It seems we're in the clear [i]amigo[/i]."[/color] With that the bard did his best to make his way towards the heart of the city as best he could without using the main streets. It was best not to be seen by either city guards who would escort him out or, worse, those who were attacking the port. Zachary just needed to find where his support was needed in order to protect the people here. A sense of anxiety and excitement began to creep into the boy's senses. After all this time he would finally be able to put his skills into use as his ancestors once did. The battlefield was calling the Nyrid family name once again! On the other hand, he had absolutely no combat experience. Should he run into a pirate or enemy soldier without the help of those to cover him he would surely perish. Death was a real possibility for once in Zachary's life and the realization made Zachary pause before he entered the main square from the alleyways. A cannonball flew overhead and decimated the wall adjacent to him. The bard covered his face from the dust and cobble that flew from nearby. His bird panicked overhead before landing behind him on his strapped instrument. Zachary's intentions were to help but being in danger had made his legs freeze. What was he to do now? Loud tweeting berated his right ear. The bird was having a fit as if it were reminding him what he was trying to do in the first place. Zachary looked at the bird and it stopped its tweeting; instead, it was impatiently hopping upon his guitars end whilst looking at Zachary. The bard's worries were soon calmed by his now controlled breathing. A feeling of confidence and bravery hardened within the bard's stomach. Gone were the butterflies and instead Zachary smiled at his companion. He patted its head and slung his instrument to his front. [color=Gold]"What would I do without you reminding me of everything, my [i]amigo del pájaro[/i],"[/color] Zachary spoke to his bird whom tweeted back at him. Taking one last deep breath of reassurance the bard took his first steps into the square to find where his new allies were.