[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmZmYzQ5NC5SV0Z5ZEdnZ1lXNWtJRVZ2Y3csLC4x/olga.regular.png[/img] [img]http://bestanimations.com/Nature/Water/rain/beautiful-rain-animated-gif-9.gif[/img] Character Prompts will be kept track of and left here. Will work in tandem with my [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/164672-88-medallions-characters/ooc]c[/url]haracter sheets, me progressively add new information to said character sheets as it's presented within these prompts. Prompt names and premises will be kept track in this post. Spoilers of character relationships and some plot points of a story I plan to write about in the future. [/center] [hider=The Zodiac Project] [hider=Prompt I: Beginnings] [b][i]Description[/i][/b] -- The tenth Aries is born. [b][i]Characters (in order of Appearance)[/i][/b] [color=red]1.[/color] Krios X [color=#B0DCDD]2.[/color] Toxotes I [color=#B97218]3.[/color] Perseus [b][i]Placement[/i][/b] -- [b][i]POV and Notes[/i][/b] -- Third Person Omniscient [/hider] [hider=Prompt II: Lucky] [b][i]Description[/i][/b] -- [b][i]Characters (in order of Appearance)[/i][/b] [color=]1.[/color] [color=]2.[/color] [color=]3.[/color] [b][i]Placement[/i][/b] -- [b][i]POV and Notes[/i][/b] -- [/hider] [/hider] [hider=The Zodiac Project Timeline (in Chronological Order)] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4736188]1[/url] [/hider]