I will NOT be holding slots. Submit characters by PM. Once approved you may post them here. Any others will be REPORTED for removal. Absolutely NO WIP. Complete them before you send them. Technically a coven can have up to 13 before it is considered unwieldy. But … YOU try running that many members consistently. You are NOT required to follow this format. It is the barebones approach. If you want yours to look nicer, feel free. Just include the points listed. ********************************** [hider=CS Blank] Image (If you use animated gifs, please use a Hider) Name Age Height Hair: Eyes: Clothes: Jewelry and Tattoos: If any Scars: If any WHY are you a witch? Her class schedule is: 1 2 3 4 Lunch 5 6 Personality and interests General: Likes: Dislikes: Quirks: Phobias If any Background Skills / Training: Languages: Stuff she sucks at: Gear: Home Life Home description Family Description Job, if any How do you get around? (Car - type, etc) [/hider]