[h2]Raymond Haywood: The Cruise Room[/h2] Psh. Patriarch was no threat to them. Not with the Broker present - the real Broker, not the clone feigning Brokerism, though he could certainly come across as another potential parahuman, depending on what other traits the Broker considered useful in him. That said, it was seemingly quite an issue to hear that both of the Rockers’ leaders were now defeated and captured - Ceramix could be disregarded entirely in favour of his immediate underling, but to hear he was down for the count too was mildly disconcerting. It went to show how potent the Protectorate could be in full force. Though with that said, and considering the notion as he reclaimed his weapon, Raymond couldn’t care less that the Rockers were seemingly leaderless, even given how that’d affect the Broker’s plan to defeat the Community. They were second-rate at best, and if the organisation was entirely collapsed and reformed from scratch under new management, he imagined it’d still be better than what came before it. For his part, he simply shrugged, allowing others to make their statements to the downtrodden Rocker as she first received Swarm’s insincere guidance, then offered her assistance to the Broker outright, and was then offered Jason’s support... hold on, what now? Why would- Well, he had just supposed there could be merit in seeing the Rockers reformed. Perhaps Creep would be the woman to do so. Regardless, it seemed Chatterbox was willing and able to check that Xolotl was no longer a threat once he was trussed up, and then to ask for Raymond’s help in getting him outside. As if the assassin wasn’t already planning on doing so. Though, the support might be useful nonetheless. ‘You take the legs,’ he instructed quietly, grabbing the bulky man around the torso and beginning to pull him toward the exit indicated. Even if Chatterbox was built like a twig, every little helped when it came to shifting a body.