Well, Hullo there! Thanks for stopping by or even looking at this. I am Chance, which isn't my actual real name, though I wish to name my first one that. I hail from many, man, many sites and over the course of the years my young person has been roleplaying, those sites deteriorate into nothingness. And I am left with a void inside myself as a whole, ideas flowing and no one to speak them to. Tis the be a flaw for roleplayers I have seen. So, by reference to a friend, I have decided to come here and try to produce a character worth progressing, battling with, and growing as a writer with. That being said I need partners, friends, or a quote-unquote 'family' that isn't...toxic as hell. With that being said, whether you take interest in me as a writer or not is up to you! Feel free to contact me on discord or in messages!