Alrighty, so just a little update on a few things so everyone knows where we're headed here: 1. Current Time Skip- We're looking at keeping it open just a little longer and will probably start looking at the next skip the latter part of this week so you still have time for one or two more rounds. Groups should be thinking about what their characters did during the time that they were snowed-in. This just may be important later on. Did you get to know your group members at all? We know some had a harder time than others due to absences and commitments, but what we're really looking for is if there was a genuine effort made. 2. Next Skip- Is going to be a Tuesday. Either morning or afternoon. We haven't decided yet. Again, what did your characters do in the "off-camera" time? You're going to want to think about that as your characters head into their posts for the next skip. We feel like a Tuesday is enough time for the snow to subside and progress made in making the roads passable/ power to be restored, etc. 3. Contest Winners- [@MissCapnCrunch] & [@Rodiak] will both be getting a major clue through PM as to where the story is headed, but BE WARNED, if you try and meta-game the clue you won in the contest, then there will probably be harsh repercussions for your character(s) as well as anyone else with whom you decide to spill the beans. We will present the information in such a way that your character will be able to use it without breaking the fourth wall. We already have the ending to the story mapped out and much of it is based on the choices various people have made throughout the game. That being said, we can still yank the steering wheel in a different direction if we see fit. That's all for now. Look at your groups and see who is up to post next, don't just wait out the skip. We have been paying close attention not only to who people have interacted with during the course of the game thus far, but also what places the characters have traveled. Consider this in your posting. Good luck, GM Staff