[color=00aeef][h1][center]Pied Piper(Caster)[s]Gossip boi[/s][/center][/h1][/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/AId1P8D.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][center]Academy[/center][/h3] [b][u][u]Reaching out to chaos[/u][/u][/b] [color=00aeef]"Saber..." "Archer..." "Lancer..." "Berserker..." "Rider..." "Caster..." "Avenger" "All of this classes have shown up on my feeds on each corner of the map and yet the Assassin class hasn't made any news lately. Perhaps there is something that I'm not aware off, Even though this class excels in eluding others, I should get a tiny hint on what their activities are since I practically own every network of familiar spies in this country."[/color] The Rat king sighed with discontent while he skims through the history of the past events. Something needs to change. Perhaps an agent of the shadows will spice things up for the best. The man-made riot was a success, but that was his master's doing. The Bard just sits there and feels the need to do something to measure up to that standard. This holy grail war is getting really dull and passive since the last two servants died. I need something to speed up the process. Caster plotted and picks up a piece of invitation that his familiar gathers. [hider= Benita & Lancer's Invitation]GREETINGS MASTER AND/OR SERVANTS OF THE SECOND HOLY GRAIL WAR IN FUYUKI. DUE TO RECENT ISSUES REGARDING THE MAGES ASSOCIATION, I WOULD LIKE TO HOLD AN EMERGENCY MEETING IN ORDER TO RECTIFY THIS ISSUE. THE LOCATION SHALL BE IN THE DIVINE DESCENDING DENOUEMENT (DDD )HOTSPRINGS. I WOULD ASK THAT YOU ATTEND IN PERSON, HOWEVER INPUT REGARDLESS OF SOURCE WILL BE IMPORTANT. THIS MEETING WILL BE HELD AT SUNDOWN. BRING YOUR OWN BEER. [/hider] as far as the Familiar to Familiar interaction goes, It safe to say they do not like the Penguin messenger. Piper's dorty rats violently hiss on the adorable bluebird as they yank the note out of its flippers with any hesitation like the crook that they are and scurries back into the darkness where they belong. Piper read the note once more and pondered for a while. [color=00aeef]"This is for master Enzo to decide if wants to participate in this trivial matter"[/color] He sighed and leans on his principal chair, spinning around it out of boredom to pass the time while he's inside his personal office. [@Seirei no Hai] Piper looks back at his multiple 50-inch monitor projection screens, and sees something is amiss, It appears there's an extra element to the man-made war that Enzo has started. His familiars can sense a foul energy near that parts that even match or surpass the Rat Kings's foul presence. After much thought, He contacts his trusty familiar, Ratface. [color=00aeef]"Hey there, Ratface, It's me, ya boss.. be a dear and investigate the unknown disturbance in the native district, I'm sure you'll understand since I'm running a school and all. You know very well, I can't leave my job and have these scamps running amok without anyone watching over them..heh, I sure do love them kids..so youthful and full of life..."[/color] He grins and looks at his office window, peeking at the innocent students playing around the schoolyard. [color=00aeef]"Also, carry out a message for me while you're there, do it discreetly and I hope to get results by the end of it. If not, you already know what happens to rats that don't meet my expectations. You remember well your prototype, Wilber? I heard he didn't squeak that well, Don't disappoint me.. good luck"[/color] Piper said with a calm yet sinister tone to his familiar henchman. [hr] [center][h1][color=fff200]Ratface[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/2007scape/images/e/e6/Shadowy_figure_2.png/revision/latest?cb=20160806071328[/img][/center] [center][h3] Somewhere in the Western Farm [/h3][/center] Dropping Ted under the custody of Piper's other familiars for protection, The curse monstrosity is on a solo mission to find the source of this explosion near the Western farm district. He dissolves in multiple pieces of rats, traveling underground in multiple pacts, sneaking past the feud between the muricans and the local yakuza clan and hopes to find this supernatural being that's been rumored to show up in this parts of town. Piper wants every bit of information or gossip he can squeeze within this city if he wants his master to succeed in taking over. Afterall, as the saying in the future murican cartoon series goes, Knowing is half the battle. [@floodtalon]