Here is a proto-app that uses my own definitions until further notice. The Cooperative Overview; The Cooperative is a civilization descended from rogue peacekeepers who rebelled against the ancient terranic order whose highly centralized, highly hierarchal empire is founded upon the belief in a human spirit with the grand soverign’s guidance. Beliefs; The Cooperative as a civilization is one built around two sets of beliefs, that of a transhumanist hierarchal order that is viewed as a form of maturation within the meritocratic cooperative society. It is also built on the conception of a common human spirit that borders on theocratic even as AIs and Cyborgs run everything. The humanistic regime has a several other peculiarities, such as how their elite at times seems to view the common people like tending to a garden more or less and there is a strong natalist streak that has led to Cooperative space being flooded in Humans who are avidly encouraged by propaganda systems to breed, breed and breed with a system of guaranteed living and benefits to those who have kids. The Cooperative has been mostly ran by the grand sovereign, of whom being part of is viewed as of the highest honor, for it is the highest position attainable within the cooperative and means to those part of it eternal wisdom. Lesser soverigns exist in the cooperative as well, and those who become part of the grand sovereign usually come from lesser soverign in practice. Lesser soverigns not part of the cooperative, or think tanks have been utilized by organizations part of the cooperative for ages, indeed the cooperative as a whole originated as a peacekeeper force ran by what by this point would be viewed as a lesser sovereign. The cooperative’s political developments have shifted over time with the grand sovereign being less direct a force as cyborg oligarchs take on much more direct roles as the cooperative’s elite with their ideological and experimental outlook- with a sense of nihilism caused by copies of their minds already being uploaded many times over so they fear their own annihilation far less. The Cooperative is pluralistic in its beliefs, with death being viewed as just death with having one’s mind uploaded being a privilege and nothing else and a very secular attitude where propagating human genomes is viewed as one of the top priorities of their civilization. Culturally the cooperative is very socially libertarian for most despite the highly hierarchy civilization, with a sub-class structure of genetically modified people and the lesser cyborgized elite. Such hierarchal changes are arbitrated mostly by lesser sovereigns. Structure; The Cooperative is organized into a centralized force where the grand sovereign holds unilateral dominion over most human affairs. The cooperative’s presence for the common folk is that of a seemingly prevalent burning sensation with many people existing very insular, culturally desperate existences as if they were test labs even with the freedom of movement they can have in theory. In practice, movement freedoms usually are limited by the standards system that acts as the universal value metric all people are judged by mainly through having to show their capacity for greater things through all matter of arbitrary testing by those in power who act as patrons to those lesser in the cylindrical habitat. The sub societies in the cooperative tend to be built on frame works created by lesser sovereigns and A cybernetic elite the common people are taught to aspire to be part of who act on a more free plane where space travel and commerce is the norm. The cybernetic elite is mostly known for being flesh humans whose exoskeleton is the cyborg they were from head to toe, with the internal body being partially replaced by synthetic components as well. The cooperative’s military is descended from the peacekeeping corps, expanded into a sprawling interstellar institution that isn’t fully centralized, instead being a huge range of chapters that are under the command of lesser soverigns provisionally with the peacekeepers being known for how blurry civilian and military lines really are in the cooperative, as they also act as a humanitarian organization as they always have. The sector and regional militias are also quite common. The humans of the cooperative live in a very wide range of habitation as per usual, with paraterraformed worlds, orbital habitats and all being utilized as places people exist. Tech; The Cooperative makes use of a very developed industry of cybernetic technology. The usage of power suits, AI networks and virtual nets is combined with the regular usage of artificial wombs and genetic tweaking to create various humanoids adapted to a wide range of environments. Their FTL consists mainly of warp drives. The Cooperative continues the use of fusion energy, giving the cooperative the ability to support the massive human populations that their cybernetic elite so eagerly cultivates much like massive gardens.