The medbay door slid open to reveal a purple Illithid seated in the sterile white room. Kotze involuntarily shivered, but not from the tentacle-faced humanoid's appearance; he'd dealt with them before, and much stranger creatures. It was the room itself, the medical tools, the patient's cold slab where they were expected to lay during an examination. Or autopsy. Even though he'd been under, Kotze still half-remembered the scalpels pressing on his skin, sinking in. A fabricated memory, but still vivid. Kotze heard a voice in the room, though he knew it was only in his mind. He wasn't too fond of sharing his already-cramped head with a stranger, but there wasn't much he could do save for listen. The Agency had taught him a few countermeasures to avoid... intruders to his thoughts, simple techniques like mindfulness exercises to clear his mind of any sensitive information. The mental firewall was obvious to anyone probing around, but it was better than nothing. Kotze wondered how much of the tech in his brain, all ones and zeroes, interfered with any mind reading. Not much, probably. [color=silver] "Name's Kotze. Good to meet you Varrus, though I hope I won't be seeing you much,"[/color] Kotze quipped with a grin as he took a seat, leaning back comfortably. Some psychics he'd met preferred you to speak through your thoughts, but he liked to give them as little excuse as possible to spend time in his head. Still, he'd feel a little silly if someone walked by and heard the one-sided conversation. It seemed as though the doctor was expecting a full physical, some memo Kotze had missed out on, and he felt a twinge of panic. [color=silver]"Woah there doctor, you can put away the rib spreaders and hacksaw, I'm just here to get this shoulder checked out,"[/color] he said, gesturing to his right arm as he shot upright. It slumped noticeably compared to the other, and a considerable amount of pain was emanating from the socket. His introduction to the crew was uncomfortable enough, and he didn't want to follow that up with a prostate exam. Besides, the last thing he wanted was some stranger poking and prodding all the sensitive tech in him. The thought alone made him glaze over the suicide mission comment. [color=silver]"But if it makes you feel any better, you can do whatever you want if I die. Just make sure to check my pulse first,"[/color] he added, sipping the water Varrus gave him. He couldn't help but think [i]fucking creep[/i], which he regretted only a little. The doctor's bedside manner was certainly interesting, and Kotze couldn't help but admit he found the alien amusing. [hider=OOC][@BKburke][/hider]