Isaac once again nodded to the satyr and headed back out of the Big House. He decided to check the archery range since that was the most likely location for the children of Apollo. He found them practicing shooting at the targets while their counselor, Will Solace, helped individuals with aim, trajectory, or anything else they may have been struggling with. "Hey, Will, could I borrow one of your healers for a bit?" Isaac asked as soon as he got close enough. "We have a new camper unconscious in the Big House, and we're not quite sure what's going on with him." Will looked back at the other campers, then called to one. "Justin! Could you go with Isaac to the Big House? Someone needs your help." "Sure thing, mister boos man," a lanky teen answered. Isaac explained what he knew to Justin, which admittedly wasn't much. "I found him unconscious on the top of Half Blood Hill, right next to Thalia's Pine. Chiron and Redwood were there and helped carry him to the Big House while I got a cot ready for him. I think Redwood or Chiron might have actually seen him get there, so they might know more. Redwood gave him some nectar and ambrosia, but last I saw he hadn't woken up yet." As he finished, his explanation, he brought Justin into the room where the unconscious camper was laying.[@soren]