Humans were creatures of routine. Aries, riddle with faults, being human like any other man, had a routine of his own. This routine of his was engaging in mix martial arts. He often browsed the internet for interesting fighting competitions. And with quite some ease, he manage to register himself in this current tournament. Hence where we were now, with a tall, dark-skinned, brutishly handsome, twenty-something-year-old of an athletic middleweight build; entering the sandstone arena from the west gate. The moment he paced onto the arena he could smell the calcium/quartz-y stench of the sand. It wasn’t particularly horrible, but nowhere near as pleasant as the invigorating aroma of let's say, a beach. The scent of freshness mix with salty wind and the tiny unfortunate whiff of wet creatures be it humans or animals was not there. The only sprinkle of extra upon the musty sand was faint iron. As if there was quite a bit of bloodshed over the years this arena existed. And as time continued, no matter how often they cleaned the arena, the scent never truly left. The man came to a halt five yards in from his westside arrival. He remained dead center from the north and south ends of the octagon shaped arena. Aries began to take a stance. He stood side faced to the east gate, his right side being the side to face the gate directly. The east was where he presumed his adversary would make their appearance, since he arrived from the west. Unzipping the jacket of his royal blue tracksuit, the zipper sighed as it parted and revealed a tastefully hairy chest and belly. He slowly slid his feet elbow length apart, the sandstone beneath his black and white boxer boots sounded like loose gravel as they left one another. Next, he crouched and threw up his dukes, much like a boxer only with less arch in his back. Boxers also didn’t typically stand sideways, this was just something he learned from his exploration in mix martial arts. From there Aries waited, shifting his head around to emit satisfying cracks from his neck into the air. His heart thumped with nervousness as he waited for the short period of time it probably lasted, but for him, he associated that feeling with excitement. All of his adrenaline left him in anticipation of the match's start.