[b]free[/b]: i try to stay away from here as there's not really much substance to be found here. it's great for people who just want to spend no more than ten minutes on a post, want plots to move faster than lightning, or have just started the hobby. however, you won't expect some lord of the rings type of shit here [b]casual[/b]: this is pretty much what rpg is. a majority of the site's RPs take place here and it's the perfect place to be if you're not serious enough for advanced but more serious than free. it's remarkable how much range this section has. you've got your run of the mill slice of life RPs to RPs that have some seriously impressive world-building and plots. the pace [i]usually[/i] isn't as quick as free, but it's not usually slow as molasses either. [b]advanced[/b]: honestly i haven't been here much, but from what i've gathered in my brief time is that the best writing happens here most of the time. here you'll find a level of writing that rivals those you'll find in novels. the worlds you'll find in here are usually complex and very coherent, and the same goes for the characters that are in them most of the time. however, RPs tend to move the slowest here, which is probably because it takes decades for people to write posts. [b]arena[/b]: i didn't even know this place was still a thing. [b]nation[/b]: never seen it, but wrapping my head around the idea is breaking my brain so kudos to those that [i]actually[/i] enjoy it [b]1x1[/b]: i consider 1x1s the best form of RPing. there's less people you have to babysit, and more opportunities for plots to go in places you'd enjoy. however, i feel as if it's descended into just a place where horny folks camp out and look for someone to write out their fantasies. whatever they wanna do is their business, but i just feel like there's too many people looking for smut rps. it's becoming increasingly harder to find someone who genuinely wants to do something without smut or without running into an incredibly vague interest check, and it's even harder to find someone who will hold onto the RP for longer than a hot minute. posting an interest check in that section is kinda like using tinder or fishing. very rarely will you hook someone, and it's even rarer that you reel them in. i highly recommend in the case that you [i]do[/i] find a good partner that you hold onto them like you would a child, because partners are already hard enough to come by, but good partners are like a diamond in the rough. [b]tabletop[/b]: my perception isn't high enough for this