[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmI1MjRmZi5RVzVoYzNSaGMybGhJRUpzWVdOcmQyVnNiQSwsLjA,/stingray.regular.png[/img] [img]https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2013-12/enhanced/webdr01/12/7/anigif_enhanced-buzz-8814-1386851123-11.gif?downsize=715:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto[/img][/center] Anastasia let out a panicked whimper before the male had reached over her and unbuckled the seatbelt, freeing her. She gave a small nod as he left the car, her attention focusing on the duffle bags she had, quickly reaching to grab them, a sigh of relief leaving her mouth once she found they were seemingly unharmed with nothing broken inside. Shaking her head a bit, Ana shifted and made sure to put them close to her so she would be able to easily get them as soon as she got out of the car. Ana shifted, her hand reaching for the handle on the car door only to find the thing wouldn’t budge, she blinked in slight panic as Connor came to try and open the door as well but it wouldn’t open. Shaking her head, Ana shifted, banging on the window for a moment once Conner was out of sight. Did he leave her behind? What would she do if he did, but her attention redirected towards the driver side as the door flung open revealing Connor. His words were calm but full of urgency as he spoke, she knew this was a risk he was taking by trying to save her, she knew he could have easily just left her behind as a lost cause but he didn’t, he was trying to save her. Nodding her head, the female looked to his hand before taking it firmly in her own hands, closing her eyes for a moment as he pulled her out, a loud gasp ripped from her mouth as she arched her back in pain. Once she was pulled from the car, she quickly grabbed the duffle bags, only taking a moment to glance at her leg. She had hit her ankle pretty bad, probably managed to sprain it but nothing too serious. Looking around Ana had noticed a motel not far from where they currently were. Gently she nudged him and pointed to the motel. “There, we can hide out in one of the rooms until we can think of another plan.” She explained swiftly as she looked around awkwardly for a moment, her eyes landing on the small group of undead heading their way.