[color=0076a3][h3][center]~~Seleth~~[/center][/h3][/color] [@PaulHaynek] [hr] Solace? Seleth tilted her head curiously, narrowing her eyes at Varjan. This wasn't like the Varjan she knew at all. What he said next only confused her more. He practically begged her to hear him out. How should she respond? Certainly, Aylama comforted and accepted all who came to her temples, but...Seleth was unsure. This was so far out of character for Varjan it shocked her. Or perhaps this was just like him. Judging a book by its cover, as they say. She never really knew him, after all. [color=0076a3]"Are you a fool?!"[/color] Seleth blurted out in quite the unpriestly manner, eyes wide with concern as Varjan gripped her shoulders. [color=0076a3]"Aylama does not wish for death! She'd weep for the loss of life! Asking me if I could kill you..."[/color] Seleth's voice trailed off, narrowing her eyes at him. [color=0076a3]"What happened, Varjan?"[/color] Ugh, today was just terrible on all accounts. Her victory was nice, but the events that happened after...first the knight and now Varjan. What was she supposed to do here? One wrong word and Varjan could do something quite ridiculous.