[center][h2][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color][/h2][/center][hr] [color=cyan]"Do you really need to ask how an ice themed Magical girl isn't affected by the cold in their outfits? Perhaps you want to question a pyromancer why the flesh doesn't burn to charcoal as they palm a fireball."[/color] Fortuna snarked back glibly, content to sit amidst the gently falling snow without a care for her exposure to the elements. It was by no means her idea of fun but she wasn't one to begrudge the necessities of life and the club certainly was one. Fortunately the rest of the club members arrives in short order, some carrying snacks and drinks while others came with an equally rye sense of humor to offer to the gathering. Regardless of the gifts brought to bear they all directed their attention to the leader now declaring the rules for the evening's combat. Straight forward and easy going, such was Touka's way, and as the candies were sent air borne Kanbaru pocketed her phone shot out her hand, nabbing a chocolate from the air. [color=cyan]"Come on Chie, the lake should nice with a fresh layer of snow."[/color] The frosty magical girl declared, turning on her heel to her chosen battleground, only to pause amidst her stride and casually lob a torn half of her chocolate to her partner. After all, it was the season for giving. [color=cyan]"Don't slack off tonight."[/color]