[@CmdrAlfieq][@Hokum] [b]As Ernest[/b] Ernest Jr stares at the commander for a short period of time, before leaving without word. It quickly returns to The Ernest, which takes off as soon as Ernest Jr grabs ahold of the ship. [quote=Terminal] REPAIR POD INSTANCE "ERNEST JR" AT CRITICAL BATTERY LEVEL. ASSIGNING IT TO RECHARGE STATION.... MAIN ENGINE ACTIVATED. TARGET: ICEOLIA [/quote] As soon as Ernest has made it far enough away from the MASGC headquarters to safely hyperdrive, he does so. It might not have been a very large distance, but it still saved some time. Soon after, Ernest enters Iceolia's atmosphere, and assuming everything goes well, lands at a place where he can pick up people. Shortly after he lands, he give this message, very loudly. Loud enough that people can hear him throughout the city he presumably landed in. "People of Iceolia. I am the Ernest spacecraft. As you might know, there is a giant entity called Hany's Ribbon that is about the colid with and subsequently destroy this entire planet. I have been sent by the Commander of the MASGC to get as many of you off this planet as possible. I have 100 dorms, each of which can hold a single human, and a single human ONLY. I also have a storage bay for sustenance. 100 people are to come onto the ship, and bring food and/or water, preferably something that can keep for a long time, as it is unknown how long you will have to go before you can get ahold of more sustenance. Do not bring luxuries that are too large to fit on your person: We have neither the time to collect these nor the space in my storage. I will be leaving in less than 30 minutes. That is how long you have." As he finishes, a door opens up for people to board the ship. [hr] [b]As Rodia and Siren[/b] Whichever R-Core was in charge of keeping track of the vote was midway through his announcement that Siren had won when Rodia got caught next to (and presumably by) the MASGC. Rorod is exasperated. First Ramrod got kidnapped by the Forte, then they were nearly destroyed, then he has his authority completely thrown out the window by Siren, and now Rodia is minutes away from Hany's Ribbon with no real way to deal with that. Rorod storms up to Siren. "WELL MISS BRILLIANT LEADER, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO DEAL WITH THIS?!" Siren shuns him. "Shut up. No need to be so judgemental. I just got into office, after all." Siren: "I did have a pretty good long-term plan of installing a hyperdrive on Rodia to help deal with future problems like this, but this admittedly caught me off guard. Nobody told me we were heading TOWARDS Hany's Ribbon. But the solution is simple. We can just move out of the way and-" Rorod: "Move out of the way?! How do you suppose we do that?" Siren: "...with our engines? This station has engines, right? Rorod: "They aren't moving engines! THey are orbite maintainers." Siren: "Orbit maintainters." Rorod: "Yes." Siren: "No proper engines." Rorod: "well... yeah..." Siren: "So Rodia has no way of moving." Rorod: "Yeah...." Siren stares at Rorod for a long time. Right before Rorod was about to say something, Siren explodes. "WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU NOT GIVE YOUR SPACE STATION A WAY TO RELOCATE?! EVEN IGNORING UNEXPECTED STUFF LIKE THE FORTE, DID YOU NOT THINK ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF DANGER? LIKE THE LOCAL STAR EXPLODING? OR THE PLANET YOU WERE ORBITING RUNNING OUT OF RESOURCES? OR OVERWHELMING ATTACKS?! [b]OR MAYBE THE GIANT SPACE STRING OF DEATH RANDOMLY FLYING ABOUT?![/b] Did you not think of ANY of that? Incredible. You idiots are stupider than I thought!" Rorod simply stares in shock. Siren glares at him for a long time. And then she continues glaring at him for a long time. Finally, she starts talking again. "Send Lars to communicate with that station we are near." she says, with a lot less angry now. She's still noticeably angry, but not yelling angry. "Make sure we are on good grounds with them just in case we manage to survive this. Maybe we can trade them and get metal to deal with that problem with the unfinished R-Cores you were telling me about." Rorod goes off to go talk to Lars. As he does, Gamma happens to walk by. Siren: "Gamma, I'm assuming you know about the situation. You know what we did to save Rodia from the Forte's explosion?" Gamma: "I know what you are thinking. It won't work this time. When we did it, it burnt out my resistance chip. It's not irreparable, my system is already fixing it. But it won't be ready again for a few days. Even if I could put up another force field, it wouldn't protect us from a direct collision with Hany's Ribbon. If it hit that planet before us, Rodia would still be hit pretty bad from the rubble, probably would kill too many people." Siren: "Well darn. Worth asking though..." Siren turns to look outside. "How exactly are we going to deal with this one?" ..... At this point, we have missed Lars bursting into his office, he is already sending a message to the MASGC. The rather short message: "Greetings however in over there! I am Lars, Ambassador of the space station Rodia. I send you this message to inform you that we mean you no harm. We just got flung across space from an explosion. We didn't mean to be here. That was an accident." [hr] [@Hokum] [b]As Ramrod[/b] Ramrod looks over at the sad state of his new friend. He can't do anything about it right now, unfortunately. Someone else needs help too, maybe Ramrod can help her? Ramrod hops down to the ground, surprisingly unphased by the wonderland around him. He runs over in the direction where he heard the cries for help.