[b]Human Name:[/b] Grant Wilson [b]Avatar Name:[/b] Wing-Man [b]Avatar Picture:[/b] [img]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/ratsel.png[/img] [b]Weapon Artifacts:[/b] Arm Cannon (Anti-Viral) Z-Saber Mjolnir [b]Armor Artifacts:[/b] Varia Suit [b]Unique Artifacts:[/b] Arwing Airstrike [b]Pets:[/b] [b]Companion Artifact:[/b] Navi the Fairy [b]Mount Artifact:[/b] Epona [b]Vehicle Artifact:[/b] Blue Falcon [b]Cash:[/b] 10,000 [b]Significant quest(s):[/b] For someone who's Avatar is named Wing-Man, it's almost funny that he has yet to obtain any kind of plane or starfighter artifact. Not from a lack of trying, mind you. There were two quests in particular that resulted in rewards that weren't quite what he was hoping they were. The first was a Grand Prix Race, within which Wing-Man drove Ghost Rider's car, complete with access to limited fire powers for self defense. Unfortunately, the car was a loaner. In fact everyone was given randomly assigned vehicle artifacts to use for the race. To keep a long story short, Wing-Man was victorious. His prize? The one and only Blue Falcon. A pretty awesome prize all things considered, but Wing-Man had been under the assumption that he would be able to fly with it. It turns out that F-Zero machines don't actually fly, they just hover over the ground. Apparently Wing-Man got it confused with the Flying Falcon, which actually does fly. The second quest was called Space Empires. Participants were assigned command of a particular faction from a Sci-Fi franchise and were given the objective to lead them to victory over the other forces by taking control of all the territory zones. Players weren't allowed to participate in battles personally, instead their AI-controlled army did the actual fighting, with the players merely observing and giving commands and orders where necessary. For this campaign, Wing-Man was given command of the Cornerian Army from the Star Fox series. He came out victorious, his fleets managing to outfight other player consisting of the Klingons, Federation, and even the Galactic Empire among others. For his victory, Wing-Man was awarded the Unique Artifact giving him the power to summon Team Star Fox for an airstrike once a day. Great! But if he was being completely honest with himself, Wing-Man would have preferred an actual Arwing vehicle for himself. Oh well, maybe next time. This second event is what got the Spectors' attention, them apparently being impressed with his tactical commanding from this event in addition to his racing skills from the Grand Prix Race. [hider=Artifacts] [b]Name:[/b] Arm Cannon (Metroid) [b]Common:[/b] Weapon Artifact [b]Image:[/b] [img]https://cdn.wikimg.net/en/metroidwiki/images/thumb/c/c4/ArmCannon.png/200px-ArmCannon.png[/img] [b]Link to item:[/b] http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Arm_Cannon [b]Description of function:[/b] Samus Aran's Arm Cannon from Metroid Prime. It's fully upgraded, capable of firing missiles, super missiles, power beam, charge beam, ice beam, plasma beam, and the wave beam. [b]Name:[/b] Z-Saber [b]Common:[/b] Weapon Artifact [b]Image:[/b] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/e5c4/f/2013/186/1/8/15371913_by_tsubasaya-d6c27td.jpg[/img] [b]Link to item:[/b] http://megaman.wikia.com/wiki/Z-Saber [b]Description of function:[/b] Zero's weapon of choice from the Mega Man X series. While it may look similar to the Lightsaber artifact, its statistics are a bit different. Lightsabers boast heavier damage with each individual swing, but the Z-Saber is faster and favors combo attacks and enemy juggling more. It also has a chargeable power attack. [b]Name:[/b] Varia Suit [b]Uncommon:[/b] Armor Artifact [b]Image:[/b] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/metroid/images/0/08/3DS_MetroidSamusReturns_char_01.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/310?cb=20170617175630[/img] [b]Link to item:[/b] http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Varia_Suit [b]Description of function:[/b] Samus Aran's Varia Suit from Metroid Prime. Provides significant protection against enemy attacks and almost complete immunity to extreme temperatures. Also comes equipped with Morph Ball and Boost Ball capabilities. No Spider Ball or Screw Attack, though, apparently those only become available with the rarer Gravity Suit artifact. [b]Name:[/b] Arwing Air Strike [b]Uncommon:[/b] Unique Artifact [b]Image:[/b] It looks like a headset worn by the user. [b]Link to item:[/b] N/A [b]Description of function:[/b] Can be used to summon the Star Fox Team to attack a location via air strike. Can only be used once a day. [b]Name:[/b] Blue Falcon [b]Common:[/b] Vehicle Artifact [b]Image:[/b] [img]http://www.trackmania-carpark.com/images/skins/big/Falcon.jpg[/img] [b]Link to item:[/b] http://fzero.wikia.com/wiki/Blue_Falcon [b]Description of function:[/b] The F-Zero machine piloted by Captain Falcon. [/hider]