WIP [color=silver]The statue he stands next to is smiling with a jovial expression, it is in strange comparison to the deadpan mute expression the man with silver colored hair is wearing. Dressed in all black the statue seems to be even trying to hint that the man leaning on his leg should lighten up a bit. Green colored tattoos marked his face and while he wasn’t generally considered beautiful by Denar standards, he was striking and handsome to human perceptions and even some alien who had to take a double take at the long, narrow, faced man. Some even walked past him a few times just to get a look at him, which he ignored or didn’t register you couldn’t quite tell. [center]“Didn’t expect you to be a Denar,” you mention walking up to him. “Didn’t expect you to take as long as you did to walk up to me,” he grumbles in a husky, but hoarse tone.[/center] It is then you realize one of his eyes is completely white and upon closer inspection it seems to be a mechanical eye to replace a living one.[/color] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi41MGU2MDAuVW1WaGRtVnkuMAAA/modish.gradient-regular.png[/img][/center] [hider= A Face Worth Hiding][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/k0bYMU/Whisper.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [color=silver]Those who know Reaver, know the phantom that others have portrayed. A man dressed in all black, wearing a hood and concealing his mouth with a mask. It's likely why authorities never got a proper facial profile of the somewhat notorious Reaver. Most have only spoken whispers of him, most only know whispers of him. And then just as the myth began to become a reality, the phantom vanished.[/color] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1AaKBbNGkk[/youtube][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi41MGU2MDAuVm5KaGFXNGdVM2x2ZFhNLC4wAAA,/modish.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=silver][center]"Sometimes my own name sounds strange to me. I haven't used that name in a long time and I don't bother to bring it up. Sometimes Syous means traitor, other times it means nothing to those who don't know the history behind it."[/center][/color] [color=silver]Age: 35 - Though keeping in mind the 300 to 500 year lifespan of a Denar, he is practically a teenager with platinum blonde hair in comparison to some much older Denar in the universe. Gender: 1st Male, 2nd Male *Further explained in racial information Job: Gunner - Maintenance of the ships guns, in emergency situations can act as pilot.[/color] [color=silver]Race: Denar[/color] [hider= History]Before we can further expand on the Denar’s culture, politics, social climate, and so and so forth we must first understand their origins. There is an origin story for all species, whether it be Humans who came from a single cell and that single cell turned into the apes and primates than humans. It begins in Middle Earth or something close to Middle Earth during the medieval ages. Everyone knows a story about an elf, or really any human. Tolkien first described them as ethereal, beautiful people with glowing skin, often fair hair, but darker hair was known to exist, who lived deep in the woods with vast amounts of knowledge and lore. While the earliest depictions of elves were that of a much shorter species with bat like ears, and had more in common with fairies, pixies and other sorts of fae. The truth is that both depictions are correct, just as humans were once primates or apes. Middle Earth Elves had evolved from some sort of fae, what set them apart from other fae was their ability to learn quickly, highly adaptable, and vast thirst of knowledge. The Elves were known for their understanding of an invisible energy, known as magic then, and now as psychokinetic qualities. They were described as astronomers with in depth star charts and advance technology. It was these qualities that would allow them to leave Earth far sooner than their human neighbors. You will never hear stories of elves in the renaissance or industrial age because the elves set their sights on something else and something greater, life beyond earth. Much like something humans would do later on in the great space race. Something elves managed to do far before them. But on Earth you would hear stories toted by environmentalist who said their colonization and industrialization is what killed the fae and elves too delicate for their toxic chemicals they pumped into the water. Others said they never existed because they simply vanished from recollection, reserved only for stories and revivals in new era books. Truth was the Elves of Middle Earth were far off in their galactic journey. Meeting and intermingling with a set of various species, most found them attractive, beautiful alluring. These qualities were highly valued at first, which meant the Elves never met much threat. It is this mixing that would shape the Denar as they are known today. No what could be possible be the biggest threat to the Elven people of Middle Earth was the diseases their alien friends brought, the hardship of space travel on their bodies, and the fear the species would die out do to this culminating factors. It was during this scare as elves of Middle Earth began to die due to outside influences they didn’t consider that it was discovered the babies born with alien DNA were immune to the disease the Middle Earth Elves were not immune to. This is where the course of nature changed for those elves. As their Earthen origins began to slowly die out and the alien DNA of the new elves began to take hold. With years of travel and years of mixing with other species, the newly shaping Elves began to look towards the future. Settling into their new world. Discovering a set of planets that seemed uninhabited at the time, with discovered “ruins” the new Elves declared this part of the Artheus System theirs. And declaring themselves, Denar [Stranger]. Not soon after their discovery of their new land, new system, and the beginning stages of forming their own government and politics the true holders of the system came back home. The Katari, furious of the Denar’s invasion declared war on the spot. The Denar the first time in their lives met with threats of violence, fought to defend their new home. The One the Karatai had abandoned for whatever reason was their own. It is this war and it is the aid of Human intervention that has forged racial tension between the Karatai and the Denar for centuries. And each paints each other off as worse in their foretelling. If perhaps the Karatai had spent the time to speak with the Denar maybe they would have saw their mistake, being a reasonable people who value logic, but the Karatai greeted them with violence and the Denar might be elves that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have fought back with their own violence.[/hider] [hider= Government and Politics] Pretty sure there has been a complaint or two about a government somewhere. No government would be the perfect solution, though the Denar’s values and what they deem worthy seem like a ideal some would dream of. The Denar have always been a close connected people, they have never really lost sight of each other. Elves have always been closely connected to each other, perhaps it is through spirituality or perhaps it is because of their hardships getting where they are. They do not believe in the concept that one individual should equal more than other. They value the Voice as they call it. As their concepts of Gender, there is a connection between the old spiritual resonance inside the Denar and their view on people. There is a spiritualism even embedded into their government and what they value in their politics. The Denar are a logical race, they are reasonable people, despite what some will say about them. They understood that at some point in time an individual would likely gain more favor than the other and while living such long lifespans, they brought with them a minimalistic nomocracy government to the Empire. Under the “Rule of Law” it states that even it’s authority figures are to be judged within the law. There is the belief that laws must service the people, and the laws themselves should be regulated with ration. Civic rights and civic duty are at the forefront of maintaining a healthy society and social balance. With this the Denar have simplified their government down to three institutions, the people, the people’s defense, and the people’s reason. These three institutions being; The Public Court - Speakers of the Public, several individuals voted by the people, required to be a minimum income level at a certain mark in order to be representative of the people. [so we can take America for example, normally most president in our current era let's face it are the top 1%. In the Denar, to be a Civilian Court Speaker you would need to be in the bracket of the other 90%. So you would have to be making a civilian wage to be considered a Civilian Court Speaker. ] Civilian Security Administration - This would be the institution that monitors and regulates defense, security, as civic services to the people. These are your police, but also the military. And is represented by a Civic Chief [essentially head of police], Commander of Systems Security [essentially your military chief] and Head of Security Services [essentially the guy above those two] Supervisory Bureau - Essentially this would be that "sovereign" figure who exist in the law, except that is less a singular sovereign figure and more like a branch of few elected individuals from the other two Institutions who have been elevated in status to make the final decision on any rational laws or civic rights. To pass a law would require 10 votes from Civilian, at least 2 Votes from Defense, and an unanimous agreement of the five representatives of the supervisory bureau.[/hider] [hider= Spiritualism and Gender] The Denar never lost sight of their spiritual beliefs, it is something that seemed to be passed down genetically to them. They do not believe in a God or Gods for the fact of the matter, they do not have names for everything or names for the seasons. However, they have a deep understanding of it. Something that pulls them along like a sixth sense. While a rational, and reasonable species, they are also deeply pulled by something like an intuition. More deeply connected to something humans would call supernatural. They listen to their instincts and their gut feelings, they feel an invisible force of life that connects them mostly to everything and everyone. Some Denar who have devoted themselves to this deep understanding of spiritualism have turned a life to heal others. Said to take other’s pain away and take it within themselves. Weeping for the individual to let that feeling pass. While some Denar deep connection to the world has lead them down a path of pleasure, since they are so deeply intertwined with a feeling. A feeling that drives them passionately along the world, spiritually at harmony and at peace. In the case of their ancestors this was taken as a respect for nature. In a world of choices and more freedom this spiritual realization leads some Denar astray and others more humbly grounded. This Spiritualism is rooted in many aspects and traditions of the Denar, what they value, how they value it, and why they value you it. Because they have this respect for the Spirit, it has spawned a unique gendering system that belongs to them and them alone. Denar respect each other as a Person, and they are connected to each other Spiritually. Thusly they have a concept of a Person’s Physical and a Person’s Spiritual Signature. Young men and woman are born first as they are physically presented, male or female. But for the Denar they have a concept of two to three Genders. The second Gender is specified of the individual themselves, it is the Spirit Gender of the individual. A young female or male may declare their Spirit Gender at a particular age. The way this would be seen is; 1st Female [The Physical Gender] 2nd Female [The Spirit Gender] It can also be seen as; 1st Female [The Physical Gender] 2nd Male [The Spirit Gender] And this individual would be declared a He within the society as soon as they declared their spirit gender as it is important to respect another’s spiritual signature. A third gender can be categorized to a person’s spiritual signature as well, as this would declare them the equivalent to “non gendered” or “non binary”. That would be seen as; 1st Female [Physical Gender] 2nd Female [Spiritual Gender] 3rd Female [A non gendered individual who would respect feminine identity] They may ultimately write it as such Spiritually 3rd [which would mean they prefer no pronouns to be used when addressing them, usually a name in service to their gender] Or it can be written 1st Female 2nd Male 3rd Male [a non gendered individual who would respect masculine identity] In the end it is the Spirit that matters.[/hider] [hider= Traits and Features] The ears of the Denar are quite iconic, it is what sets them apart from their human counterparts. They are the leftover remainder of their Middle Earth Ancestors, with their alien lineage taking precedence over the physical shape of the ears. While their Middle Earth Ancestors ears were more close to their head, while the Denar are noticeably further from their head, their lobes with a wider more pan shape, almost like a knife rather than the leaf shapes of their Middle Earth counterparts. Though it is their ears that have made them famous, there are quite some distinct features that separate them from their human counterparts. The Denar being quite tall with the average adult height being between 5’9” and the tallest being near 7ft. Their skin are often fair tone, though it often has an ethereal glow to it, it is often soft, and they are colder to the touch than others. It depends on the perception of temperature of other species, of course to an frost alien they would be quite warm, but to a fire alien they might be cooler to touch than say a human. Their hair color runs often fair, but not only can it be darker, some have been known to have bioluminescent hair and or hair that changes color based on their emotion. Though these are quite rare features. Due to their unusual heritage it also seems that they can possess an array of colored irises that would otherwise be unnatural on earth. Not only do the classic blue, browns, grays, greens, and so and so forth exist. But you sometimes have shades of violet and even shades with flecks of other colors dotting the iris. Beyond physical features Denar are gifted psychokinetics, in their historical times these psychokinetic abilities would have been considered magic to some. Due to their spiritualism, they make excellent healers, gifted empaths who can read others, some are profound telepaths, others have enhanced sixth senses. The Denar also have traditions of inking their skin. Often with some form of meaning to the individual. It is rare to see a Denar without some form of marking on their skin. Though lately with their inclusion to the Empire they tend to keep these markings to themselves, on their arms, or on their backs, chest. Somewhere hidden due to many species not understanding the meaning behind the markings, in some species like that of human ones ink is sometimes seen with negative connotations. Some Denar adopt a mentality of not being ashamed of their markings and have them ink’d their markings on their face. Ink is earned through merit and actions and your standing within the community.[/hider] [color=silver]This is the notorious Reaver, you’ve heard things about. People have spoken about his disappearance, so him emerging out of the woodwork looking like...well this. Denar are fairly attractive, he’s handsome, with platinum blonde hair it almost looks silver. But he’s also probably a bit uglier by Denar’s standards. [center]“I wasn’t expecting the notorious Reaver to be a Denar,” you say. “Yes, because out of the countless species in the universe only a certain number can do what I do,” he replies dryly.[/center] He doesn’t seem to care too much for you, his facial features remain stiff he doesn’t emote and somehow you get the feeling ,as he looks at you with violet colored irises, that he is annoyed with you. It in his mannerisms and the way he stares at you, the way he seems to not even want to talk to you. You’re wasting his time asking for his assistance. You get this sense he wants you to get to business and skip all the idle chatter.[/color] [hider= Run, Don't - I'll Track You Down][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/nv9PY9/Whisper3.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [color=silver]Despite not being built, as far as you can tell the man is intimidatingly tall. At around 6’4” you wonder if he’s ever hit his head on the door frame entering somewhere. Though you’re certain if you said anything he’d just walk off and ignore you. His lean, but lithe tone body is mostly hidden by an oversize,though it fits him, blue trench coat in a mock military style with silver trimming. It is frayed at the ends, and the blue is fading. Black fingerless leather gloves, on the palms the leather is worn down. Cavalier boots with silver, metal buttons on the side and a collar around the calf. With black khaki material pants. [center]“You ever going to say something other than continue gawking,” he says.[/center] While his voice is very gruff and for anyone else it might not have been considered attractive, he carried it off with this husky undertone that only made his voice sound smoldering. You could imagine some young girl being infatuated with his whole look, daydreaming about him. An obsessive crush based on the bad boy image he seemed to exude. Green markings have been placed on his face, though you cannot necessarily decipher them very well. You’re afraid to ask him their meaning. A sword with a metallic, rectangular sheath at the side of a belt around his waist he begins to turn on his heels. He’s lost interest in you.[/color] [color=silver] Personality: It’s very clear to observers that Reaver is lone wolf, but the reason why often escapes them. Most who see the type that prefer to be alone immediately assume it is out of some kind of hubris or pride. That they are too good for others, but for Reaver it is exactly the opposite. Self aware and understanding of his own mistakes, makes him aware that at some point in life others will make mistakes as well. It is less about him thinking he is better than everybody else and more like he doesn’t want to be reprimanded for the mistakes of others. Too many people working on the same project raises the likelihood of mistakes stacking on each other, making the likelihood of being caught increase. In his job, and in his work he would rather escape the whole capture part due to someone’s else’s own negligence. But would accept the consequence if captured by his own mistake. Reaver is not necessarily a chatty individual, he prefers to get to business and can be very straightforward. Though this is more a preference of his to keep those who he works with as business partners. Those he doesn’t directly work with and aren’t in the same business as him, he’ll chat with them and isn’t that he is against friendships. Merely coworkers remain coworkers. Friends are people you don’t work with. And the friends Reaver does have are people who know a different side of Reaver than the cutthroat, gives every job his one hundred percent attention that everyone he works with sees him as. One of Reaver’s special interest is guns. It is easy to see a shift in Reaver’s stiff mannerisms to delight. To some it might be an uncomfortable change, especially since his hobby seems to extend to to his violent trade. Though Reaver’s enjoyment of guns extends further from just their deadly attributes. Often you will hear him geek out on the historical aspect of the gun or what gun played a significant part in a war. He focuses more on the story of guns than he does their deadly nature. This love doesn’t just stop at guns, Reaver has interest in ships probably why he owns his own sword class fighter loveling docked and taken care of. His interest of ships extends from treating it in the same way someone might treat a car. In fact he’s the one who painted his ship. You may even see him geek out with certain tech and ship parts. He even seems fond of accessories for his ship as well, like fuzzy dice. For some this is enough to forget Reaver’s trade of business. A trade of business he doesn’t particularly regret or feel guilty about. Just because the man can geek about ships like they are cars and go into in depth historical conversations about guns and their significance, doesn’t make him any less ruthless than what he is. Reaver is not a nice man, though he never hides this fact about himself. He’s not going to sugar coat that fact. Manipulators are liars with a sweeter smile and a nicer pat on the back, in his opinion. He’d likely shoot a traitor without any hesitation or a sweat on his brow. He’s sold hordes of people without shedding a tear for them as they are ripped apart from their families to work as cheap labor or as a concubine for someone who views them as merely property. He’s reposed ships. He’s dug up corpses. All without it poisoning his soul. Or if it has, he’s unaware of it doing so. And if it has poisoned his soul it certainly hasn’t been with shame that some experience in this line of work. As a child he always sought out to impress his father, and as an adult he’s always sought out to be the very best at what he does. He respects those who don’t preach to him about the ethics of it all, he likely ignore you. He’s loyal to those who work the hardest and trust those who can be honest with themselves and about themselves. Reaver’s not necessarily an evil man, it’s not like he sought out the virtues of being a deplorable human being, though whether he views his actions as evil or deplorable is a different story. It is merely the influence and experiences he grew up with others around him. He had either two options in life, shut down and be unable to harden oneself. Or harden oneself and make the tougher choices in life even if they are unpleasant to some. Reaver likes cold coffee, sometimes he likes marshmallows in them if he’s feeling fancy. If he were to choose an animal it be cats over dogs. And actually has a gigs worth of music stored in his ships hardware.[/color] [color=silver]Weapons: [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmZmZmZmZi5VMmxzZG1WeUlGTjBZWEksLjA,/focused.regular.png[/img][/center] [center]Silver Star: Call of the Falling Sky[/center] Some stories told to children are stories so fantastical that they sound more like fairy tales or exaggerated truths that they come off so far removed from the truth they couldn’t possibly be reality. The Silver Star is spoken even among the Denar, where did it go? Why is it missing from the Syous family home? Some, after all these years believe it to be stolen. None assume the Silver Star, the blade forged to honor and bestow upon Arahni Syous, would be at the side of some son of shady criminal who shared the bloodline. In Honor of Admiral Arahni Syous commander of the Falling Sky. [hider= Bloodline Gift][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/fJUNNe/Reaverblade.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [i]They say the Karatai have seized the Falling Sky. Impossible the Falling Sky is near impregnable. Well they have boarded the ship. [/i] Admiral Arahni Syous serviced the fleet of the Falling Sky for two hundred years. He started off as a recruit like any with wide eyes and a sense of responsibility to his people. Quickly proving that he was adapt in his ability to learn quickly and not take risk that would otherwise put others in danger. Over the course of his career one thing mattered to Arahni the most, it was the protection of his crew and the protection of the people. His honoring oath when sworn in, was: the strength of the people guides me to make decisions with the people in mind. While his career had always been steady, he has only been seen with great respect and admiration after the Karatai tried to take down the Falling Sky. A proud, and monstrous sized ship that housed most of the military institute of the Denar. [i]“Admiral they have breached the hall,” a bushy eyed recruit salutes him with shaking hands. Admiral? He remembers when he was in that position. A recruit looking up to his elders with respect and fear. His first skirmish that was something like an odd hundred years ago, wasn’t it? “Stay calm,” Arahni tells the recruit, “the calmer we are the better we can figure out a solution.” And a solution they needed fast. He had only been in a few big missions before, most of his career had been won through small skirmishes. Now he was dealing with something major on his hands if he couldn’t get it under control, he needed to find the Marshall they needed a plan. This side of the ship had seen better days. The Karatari had rammed their giant brigade into the side of the Falling Sky to break through the metal. Metal was now all misshapen, the smell of a small ship fire beginning to develop, the sound of guns, and shouting from men. “Marshall,” Arahni finds the Marshall, Zran giving orders to a few of the lower ranks. “Finally here,” the older man grumbles, he’s got wrinkles on his face, the markings on his arms tell tales of his heroics. “Do we have a plan?” Arahni ask. Zran scoffs. “Plan, defend the Falling Sky with our very last breath,” he mumbles. Not much of an order. Still Arahni took it as a challenge. He would defend the Falling Sky, for better or worst.[/i] For his service and for his dedication to his fleet, we honor Arahni and the Syous family with the Silver Star. May no one forget his heroics that day. [u][b]Silver Star Schematics:[/b][/u] Made of a high 1566 spring steel. Infused into the blade itself are symbols and runes, to those who are not Denar would not understand the symbols are in honor of an individual and their deeds. The crystalline structure of the blade and it’s elegant craft is that of elven craft, but the Memory Stones as the Denar call them are not merely to look attractive. Embedded in the stones is a star chart that can be activated. It acts as a GPS to the users current location.. [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmZmOTUwYS5SbkpoYm10bGJuTjBaV2x1LjAA/focused.regular.png[/img][/center] This ugly beauty is a piece of shit, but it’s better than getting tracked by the ballistics on the books. Made more out of convenience than efficiency, I know there’s better out there, I don’t care what you suggest to me, I don’t care to get another gun, and if you continue to talk we’ll test the Frankenstein on you. [hider= Junkyard Gun][center][img]https://image.ibb.co/mnNWyK/Coilgun4.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [u][b]Frankenstein Schematics: [/b][/u] The Frankenstein is an unusual gun, made out of do it yourself parts. In theory the Frankenstein is a coil gun that used a high powered magnetic burst that ruptures living or something that imitates living tissue. It means it makes a mess by blowing off a few fingers, maybe a hunk of shin till it’s dangling on sinewy bits of vein muscle and the bone exposed. A more extreme example would be something like this, but the Frankenstein is slightly underpowered than that and the amount of damage is how much you charge your battery and cook your energy so to speak. The Frankenstein is only slightly more powerful than your microwave at 1,100 watts to 1,550 watts of damage it’s just enough lethality to kill a man. Though there are some restrictions of the gun itself. First off the batteries need to be charged separately of the gun. The gun when in use has to ramp up voltage before it can release a magnetic burst and if you don’t have enough juice in the battery the gun isn’t going to work efficiently. For a semi less impressive, but fatal injury you need to charge the gun up to only 50 volts, takes 30 seconds, to blow off a hunk of flesh. And if you want something more impressive like a good chunk of flesh missing its 100 volts, and takes up to 60 seconds to ramp up. So it’s not as efficient as say a gun that can fire multiple rounds, but the output of damage outweighs the con of being unable to fire multiple shots at once. The typical Frankenstein has up to 4 Shots before the battery is toast and the cartridge needs to be taken out to be recharged. And the gun needs up to 10 seconds of cool down time in order not to cook the coils, essentially the coils could potentially overheat if you tried to fire too many shots at once. In a worst case scenario you could have the battery or the gun explode on you. As well as the fact that magnetic EM burst can be disrupted by other microburst of energy. And I know what you’re thinking or asking, can it shoot through walls? Short answer is no. It might make a decent crack in the wall, but the Frankenstein isn’t shooting through walls or exploding whole bodies. You’d need something a lot bigger, like the ship guns, and a lot more wattage and a bigger battery to do anything like break through a wall. I’m certain most would prefer the more efficient and time saving, plasma or rifle weaponry over a coil gun, that requires a little bit of hassle in order to be effective.[/color] [color=silver] Abilities: Being Denar means Reaver is in more touch with his sixth sense than some others. Though most Denar are naturally in tune with their sixth sense, to further expand on its capabilities some seek to expand on their techniques in how to decipher the messages of their intuition. Reaver has a good inner voice, while he himself differs from his spiritualistic Denar for a Denar that has “lost his way”, Reaver is exceptional at having the knack of feeling a situation out and knowing when to leave based on the aura around him. If something feels heavy to him and tense, he knows to tread more carefully, if he cannot shake his anxiety, he knows there is big danger ahead. Reaver is so good at managing to feel out a situation, he could read a situation with his eyes close. Cybernetic Eye, just because it sounds like Reaver is some flawless criminal who has never made a mistake in his life. He has made mistakes and some of those mistakes have cost him things. One of them being his left eye. Still what the cybernetic eye has given him is something people only wish or dream they could have the ability to do. The cybernetic eye is not only programmed to replace his lost vision from the missing eye, but it has a very special quality. The eye is able to pick up soundwaves, in which it is programmed to then translate those audio waves through a script to decipher what is being said. Sometimes you cannot always go in guns blazing and sometimes you need a more subtle approach. His eyes is perfect for a couple of feet of tailing a target, and being able to listen into what they are saying without having to implement a bug on said individual.[/color]