[@Hushed Whispers] Wanted to make sure I got it up in time. I'm going to keep working on it in the mean time. [hider] Name: Tilly Nickname: Til Age: 17 Gender: Female Sexuality: Hetero Appearance: Tilly is short with a small build, only standing around 5'2". Almost all of Tilly's features could be considered small, from her stature to her tiny nose. She has shoulder length blonde hair, that she likes to leave small braids in. Her eyes, above a small splash of freckles, are the faintest blue color, almost appearing grey in the light. Overall she appears innocent and tiny. [hider][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/grimm/images/e/e7/Erin_Way.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/285?cb=20130501070828[/img][/hider] Likes: music, dancing, learning Dislikes: onions, snakes, the color pink Fears: snakes, forgetting, the future Personality Traits: 1. loyal 2. passionate 3. driven 1. forgetful 2. easily manipulable 3. hot headed Personality: Tilly was always a bit of a hot head, saying whatever comes to mind without thought of consequences. Her mom reasoned that it was because she was trying to make up for her short height, but she liked to think she got her fight from her dad. The two of them were close. They liked to spend the weekend afternoons enjoying quick witted jokes and lots of sarcasm with each other. Ability: Tilly's power is enhanced muscle memory and learning. She can pick up almost any skill incredibly quickly and with a mastery that comes from years of practice. Limitations: Due to Tilly's powers she has severe memory malfunctions. Her long term memories are fading fast, and short term memories stay from a limited amount of time. In general, she can't remember anything for more than a week, though she will often forget smaller details before then. She also struggles to pick up a new skill without watching it (reading about it is much harder). Background: Tilly never liked school. She liked learning, don't get her wrong, but school just brushed her the wrong way. Do this, don't do that. Blah blah blah. She hated having to listen to teachers try to instruct her every move. Try to teach her stuff that she didn't care about. AND they were so boring about it. God! She liked learning with her dad. They were so close. [i]"Thick as thieves"[/i] her mom had said one time. He had taught her everything, from how to change a tire to how to play basketball. Okay, he might have been trying to raise a son, but Tilly could care less. She was just happy to be with him. Then they came to her school. Federal agents or something. Her dad called them 'suits' cause that's all you ever saw federal agents wearing. They spoke about a school, something about being chosen. All she could do was look at her dad. Don't shake, don't cry. Be strong for him. That's what he would want, she thought. But she could see the fear in his eyes. What was happening? A black bag was tossed in her lap. Just before she was pushed out of the room with the other kids, she grabbed her dads hand. [i]"Tilly, TILLY! Listen to me!"[/i] He was gripping her hand hard now, [i]"Remember this okay? You're gunna be just fine. I'm going to find out what's happening and find you, ok? Just remember."[/i] Everything else was a blur. A facility, bright lights. How did she get there? Had she been in a car? Someone was talking to them. They spoke about soldiers, and mutations, all sorts of sciency shit. She didn't understand a word of it. Then there was gas, coughing. She couldn't breathe. She was going to die, here, just sitting with five other kids she didn't know. Where was her dad? He said she'd be fine. When she woke up Tilly was disoriented, to say the least. She lay face down, feeling like a ton of bricks was on top of her. Why couldn't she move. Panic and fear rose in her chest, just as she felt something in her fingers. Slowly, like she was moving for the first time in ages, Tilly began to move her hand. Joints ached and cried out as she struggled to move the rest of her body. Everything about her felt shaky and... new? Like she didn't know how to move them. Almost something she had learned long ago, almost forgotten. She came to that realization just as she was pushing herself into a sitting position, her legs hanging uselessly off to the side. In an instant the panic flooded back. How could she forget that? She tried to remember what was happening to her, but... Damn it! She couldn't hold on to any of it. What could she remember? [i]M... My name is Tilly..."[/i] she whispered to herself, [i]"Tilly La-"[/i] she stopped short. What was it? She couldn't remember her last name. What the fuck was happening to her? [/hider]