As they turned towards the direction of the school together, Tora enjoyed a warm feeling blossoming within her stomach at the idea of trying to make a friend. She wasn't always the best with social situations, ending up doing something awkward sooner or later, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't take the opportunity when one presented itself to her. "... I'm Tora." She patiently repeated, smiling kindly at Patty. "it is nice to finally make your acquaintance." She was suddenly distracted by a gentle rumbling sound, her eyebrows knitting together with confusion as she hunted around for the source. Eventually, her gaze drifted too Patty once again, blinking quickly as she realized it was the girl's stomach. "oh! You should've told me that you were hungry!" She exclaimed, quickly reaching into the paper sack she was still carrying and pulling out one of the plump orange rolls and holding it out. "my housekeeper made this for me for breakfast, but I don't mind if you would like one. There's plenty! And you should always eat after a big shock."