[centre][hr][img]https://www.walldevil.com/wallpapers/w01/506015-artwork-cityscapes-destruction-jonasdero-new-york-city-post-apocalyptic-ruins-science-fiction-skyscrapers.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180813/0d9facf270c6c39924804bdb480ed9f6.png[/img][hr] [color=Silver][i]In this modern world, the age of conventional warfare has been minimised to little worries. Nowadays the real conflicts are going on behind closed curtains and blacked out lines of ink that never get revealed to the public. NATO and its contenders are strongly committed to withholding a long-standing peace but they always are prepared to deny the activity of special operations groups moving beneath every radar in sight. Sometimes these acts of espionage are not fought for internationalism or rivalry, but a more personal deliverance of justice based upon inner-workings. Enter the DSP: The Department of Security and Protection. A subdivision within its international parent, the DSP is tasked with investigating and handling global terrorism operations that are heavily impacting on the earth. For this to function at its fullest, the DSP contains full control over the International Security Unit (ISU), who are the designated Operations team designed for said tasks. Overtime, the ISU has become more and more of an urban legend, even amongst fellow military organisations. As political pawns to the games of conflict, they are considered to be non-existent and under the upmost protection. Over time, the ISU has claimed many notable operations. From hijacking terrorist organisations to thwarting plots worldwide, they have gained the political reputation as holding some powerful positions ahead of their counterparts. Whilst they aren't exactly the Special Forces that many come to know of, the ISU do indeed share its side of talented operators and warriors worldwide. However, with that said, the ISU have also had to black out many of their recent operations to even NATO, finding that a new threat has arisen from within their ranks. Going by the alias of [b]November[/b], Alfred Mawdsley has recently been sussed out by his peers and colleagues as being one of the treasonous members. Within a city once flourishing deep within the Asian sphere, a serious of targeted explosive ordinances, terror attacks, chemical warfare acts and thus more have been traces back to this [b]November[/b]. With the city in disarray and almost complete isolation, being called for evacuation by the national authorities, it is suspected that he now hides out there with a splinter group he set up to combat any potential threats against him. This is where the ISU hold a personal vendetta. This is a task where he would need to be shot-on-sight, not detained for questioning. All the answers were held in their company and it was only right to put a bullet between his eyes. But what if, in this abandoned urban jungle, the team sent in to rid of his name from history met unexpected odds, difficulties and ends to their mission?[/i][/color][/centre] [centre][hider=Character Sheet][hr] *An image of some sorts may be helpful, if not, go for a description of the character's appearance later on in detail.* [hr] [b]Name[/b] [i]Self-explanatory[/i] [b]Operator Alias[/b] [i]What is the name that the ISU has designated them?[/i] [b]Age[/b] [i]Whilst there aren't many restrictions, be sensible. Nothing too young or too old.[/i] [b]Gender[/b] [i]Self-explanatory[/i] [b]Nationality[/b] [i]Self-explanatory[/i] [b]Birth-date / Location[/b] [i]Self-explanatory[/i] [hr] [b]Allegiance[/b] [i]Do they work for the ISU or November's team? Halfway through the RP, it may be possible to switch sides.[/i] [b]Appearance[/b] [i]Describe what the image chosen does not; if not image is given then make this detailed highly. Give descriptions on their Attire both on and off duty.[/i] [b]Psych Profile[/b] [i]Their personality, mental assessments and behaviour patterns on and off fieldwork.[/i] [hr] [b]Organisation Role[/b] [i]What is their Operator role in the ISU?[/i] [b]Operator Equipment[/b] [i]The dossier of guns, equipment and any additional pieces of armament they might utilise.[/i] [hr] [b]Biography[/b] [i]The background of your character. Keep fairly well made, making sure that enough is known about the character. Large details is preferable. This can be updated as the RP develops on more.[/i] [b]Training and Experience[/b] [i]Where did they study, train, fight and gain the attention of for Operation: Radiance?[/i] [b]Family[/b] [i]Self-explanatory[/i] [b]Theme Song[/b] [i]Just a bit of fun, really. Optional at most.[/i] [/hider] [/centre]