[center][b][h2]Temporary Baltavigoc Guard Camp, Aaixen Perimeter[/h2][/b][/center] Vetericus, adopting the same posture as he had before King Cauroman hours before, stood alone amongst the immediate hundreds. The only strangers within them belonged to the officers of the Chlotaringen contingent, doing their best to not look out of place. Beyond this heart of the camp thousands more had joined his Baltavigocs in the hazy mist of early morning, a gathering in the making for several days. The Guard present, the greying mane of First Captain Crocus at their fore, kept a respectful silence that let a stillness most unusual for a camp of warriors to fall. Vetericus broke it, deliberately meeting as many eyes as he could. [i]“My Baltavigoc kin! If rumour has reached you that Emperor Cauroman has bid us march, then rest assured! Indeed, we are to march. We return to our vigil on the fringes to ensure no underhanded Tautan,”[/i] Vetericus nearly spat the word out as he spoke, his hatred clear. [i]“Will attempt to leave their pathetic land again, as we once taught them the folly of.”[/i] [i]“And Tautom?!”[/i] A voice suddenly broke out amongst the otherwise silent Baltavigocs, murmurs of agreement quickly following it. The Chlotaringen officers shifted uncomfortably, expecting some sort of retribution from Vetericus. [i]“Were it so easy, my friends! To perform God’s will in the south we must ensure the quiet of the east. The Tautan scum will be laid lower than even they can force themselves, in time.”[/i] The Chlotar officers, wrongfooted by such a friendly display, quickly spoke up with their most senior. [i]“What are our orders precisely then, if I may ask, Paladin Vetericus?”[/i] At once every eye was on the man, who, to his credit, simply returned the steely gaze of Vetericus. Stepping down from the small platform Vetericus switched his great axe to his left hand as he walked, balancing it over his shoulder. Stopping within arms reach Vetericus adopted a much more conversational tone. [i]“Am I to understand you are the man who speaks for the Chlotaringen to be joining us?”[/i] [i]“That is correct.”[/i] The man nodded, nearly as tall as Vetericus though lacking in the long hair. [i]“Myself, Palace Mayor Vierland, and these men beside me.”[/i] Vetericus returned the nod before suddenly extending his right arm. The Chlotar Palace Mayor looked at it for a moment, perplexed, before doing the same with his own, Vetericus gripping his forearm and shaking it. [i]“You honour us with your presence! Though I have to question why your banner hangs so low.”[/i] Vetericus released the man, gesturing towards the camp heraldry which now held the officer’s own a respectful distance beneath the Baltavigoc Guard colours. [i]“I didn’t wish to impose, Paladin.”[/i] [i]“Nonsense, Captain! What are we if both not servants of our Emperor and God, sharing purpose? We will be speaking often in the coming days.”[/i] Vetericus, very noticeably substituting ‘Palace Mayor’ with ‘Captain’, adjusted his grip on the axe so that he held it by his side halfway down the haft, turning to walk back onto the platform without awaiting response. [i]“To answer your question however, orders will be dispatched to you, and from you to your men. Similarly, our First Captain,”[/i] Vetericus paused to bow his head respectfully towards Crocus. [i]“Will see likewise done once I have had a moment to speak with him and Captain Vierland. In the meantime I expect to see not a man unready to march by the time I am finished.”[/i] The assembled Guard quickly took its cue to disperse, the lesser Chlotar officers mixed in amongst them leaving Crocus and the Palace Mayor alone to follow after Vetericus. Once all three stood within his tent around a table which bore a spread map Crocus spoke. [i]“Am I to assume there is more to this than simply watching the border, Vetericus?”[/i] Vetericus nodded, the officer remaining silent for the moment. [i]“Yes, and no.”[/i] Vetericus glanced at the officer. [i]“How many are with you?”[/i] [i]“King Cauroman has granted me the lead of 7000.”[/i] [i]“By no means enough to take those wretched walls of Tautom directly, even though they are held by Godforsaken dogs.”[/i] Crocus grimaced, thinking the situation over before speaking. [i]“Wait and see then, is it?”[/i] [i]“More or less. Suffice to say, walls can do little against anything already within them.”[/i] [i]“You mean to say…”[/i] Vierland trailed off, Vetericus finishing his thought. [i]“That there are still those within Tautom who serve things greater than their most basic, depraved instincts? Yes. God willing Tautom will be delivered to us through their efforts.”[/i] [i]“That is good to hear Paladin,”[/i] Vierland quickly said, confidence regained now that talk had turned to strategy. [i]“But I must ask, suppose that does not work. What then?”[/i] [i]“Then we will be left no choice but to break Tautom’s back, whether by starvation, flame or steel, it matters little. Freeing the world of their corrupted souls can only be a blessing.”[/i] With a map in front of them, Crocus, briefly scratching his chin, couldn’t help but to raise an additional point. [i]“How do you plan to hamper their port? A blockade will be impossible with how few men we have.”[/i] [i]“If it comes to it, Emperor Cauroman can provide the necessary troops so that we may control both land and sea. Pray that God favours our first course. At any rate, until I or Emperor Cauroman says otherwise we will have to keep our distance. We will be needed for when the time comes to cleanse the world of the Lamps. Tautom cannot be allowed to halt us.”[/i] Vetericus looked between the men for further comment, though it seemed as if both were satisfied for the moment. [i]“We will use our own outposts near Tautom to keep us supplied and garrisoned, and my galleys for transport. Specific deployments will be decided as we sail. My Guard shall lead.”[/i] Crocus and the officer departed to attend their final matters, Vetericus remaining for the same task. Less than an hour later the odd mixture of arms and armour, some leaning more towards their Vigoc origins, others supplemented by the Chlotaringen armoury, that made up the Baltavigoc Guard stood in perfect marching order several thousand strong, the Chlotar warriors bringing up the rear in a similar formation. Vetericus at the very front, Crocus by his side, faced his men. [i]“Baltia awaits me!”[/i] he shouted. [i]“And the Guard salutes!”[/i] came back the cry, every Baltavigoc voice picking it up in a wave heading front to back. [i]“Bid farewell and wave goodbye, because gentlemen, we, are heading home!”[/i] Without further delay Vetericus turned and set off at a march that row by row every man in the column matched, thousands of boots treading the ground in unison for some time before chants of the Baltavigoc Guard broke out, at first bewildering the Chlotar detachment though over the leagues to the port, and the Baltavigoc fleet waiting within, they too began to join in, standard-bearers holding their posts high as the accordions favoured by the Guard near each played to match the chanting. [hider=DISCLAIMER:] I got GM confirmation that accordions are a thing in this setting, an originally Celesean invention that the Baltavigocs have kept up and added to.[/hider]