[center][@Hokum][/center] Sadly, Boris's [i]very special[/i] effort to bluff the bacon is not successful. In that instant, as though reading his mind, it flies clear of his grasp. As Boris's hands clap together empty, the bacon rasher strikes the upper, center region of the mirror. This should be enough to draw Boris's attention to the mirror, specifically. Given that Boris turns to the Mirror, he will meet more than his own reflection amid the blotches of corrosion. Beside him stands the somewhat transparent reflection of a young girl. [hider=may disturb some readers] The girl is no older than twelve. Her blond hair is tangled and matted with blood. She has blue eyes. Her face is disfigured with bruising and lacerations. She is wearing a short sleeve beige blouse, so too stained with blood. Most of the buttons of the blouse have been torn away, leaving only a few bottoms fastened at the bottom of the blouse. The blouse, however, hangs low enough to cover her lower, private region, where there is no skirt or trousers to otherwise cover her nakedness. The girl wears what looks to be mining boots, yet her legs are bare and a thin rivers of blood can be seen running down the inside of her thighs from her crotch. Her neck, arms, and the areas of her chest exposed by her torn blouse are, like her face, covered in bruising and lacerations….[/hider] What was likely once a young, beautiful girl, now stands beside Boris, a bloody and mangles mess of a creature. Once Boris has seen her, the girl opens her mouth to extend what is left of her severed tongue as blood spills out over her chin. While this takes place, she raises one arm, her finger extended to point at the reflection of Boris. An instant later the top drawer of the dresser slides open abruptly. Within the drawer are numerous makeup products and cheap jewelry. Among these items is a plain wooden trinket box. It does rise from the drawer, floating in the air in much the same fashion that the bacon rasher did. It lands gently on the dresser top. The box is locked, but should not be difficult for a man like Boris to open. If Boris was to force the box open, he would find a cloth pouch within. Sewn into the lining of this pouch are the words: [center][b][i][h3][color=ffd700]Agartha Mine[/color][/h3][/i][/b][/center] Within the pouch are three nuggets of gold. Assuming that Boris fulfills these actions, the reflection of the brutalized girl in the mirror will fade from view. Seconds then pass. The shutters on the window slam shut. Downstairs, the front door to the house opens. No one enters. No one is there. Perhaps the ghost is sending Boris on his way. Boris has been provided information.