[@Eviledd1984][@Metatrooper] "Fuck that." He said simply in response to being told to wait for the transports. "I'm going to leave certainly enough, but not until my job is done." Quite simply, he didn't move to the barricade to wait, instead unslinging his rifle from his back and approaching the edge of the rooftop near where he knew the exit doorway was. He eyed them through his scope as they exited the building, watching their path as a pack of Skitterersf soon spotted them, quickly approaching the recon team. For Memoriae, the sniper's memories would be crystal clear, as clear as though he was there seeing it himself. The memories would consist of arriving on the planet, dispatching some infected, and making his way up to the top of the building, at which point he encountered, and took out, a Brute. The rest was, of course, history as he made his way back down and met Memoriae, then came up at the sound of the troops. His vision seems... different than a normal persons, sharper. Clearer. [hr] [@Dartbored Fairy][@Hokum] Cuna takes a moment to recover, barely hearing Shard's innuendo, although soon enough he had recovered from the brief stint of motion sickness. Muttering to himself, he stood back up "Bloody... teleportation..." He sighed and went back over what Shard said, smiling and nodding to himself, opening one door, one neither Dino nor Shard had went into. Lets see here, 50% chance of it being the damn bedchamber...