[u][b]Ayu Usui[/b][/u] Ayu glanced back over her shoulder once she heard the boy's voice again. "Oh. You're still here?" she asked, as if she were expecting Hiroki to have left already. Ayu turned on her heel, stared at him for a few seconds and tilted her head as the boy told her to forget it. "Mmm... okay then," Ayu replied back, intent on turning around again and heading off to the road, but she was interrupted by a monitor to her right flickering on. A shadowy figure moved sporadically around inside of the screen, telling everyobody to meet somewhere... and there was also something about campers? Ayu didn't recall signing up for a camping trip. She stared at the screen as it lit up an arrow and brought her left hand to her head, resting it inside of the palm. She supported the elbow with her other arm, wrapped neatly around her stomach to ease the burden. A low hum escaped the girl as she thought about the current situation a little more, getting a little lost in thought. This process was swiftly interrupted by the boy in the area though, who addressed her again. "...Oh. You're [i]still[/i] here...?" Ayu echoed, head still resting in the palm of her hand as she tilted it to look over at him. He said he was going ahead and asked if it was alright with her... which was strange. She thought he'd left a long time ago, she wasn't sure why he needed her confirmation. Ayu didn't really pay any attention to the boy as he started to walk away from her. She was more interested in the screen with the bright green arrow pointing them in the direction they were going. "Mmm... I don't really care, but I guess I'll have to go as well. Everyone else's going to be there, though..." Ayu muttered to herself, finished off with a dejected sigh. "Well... I'll just take the long way around, I guess." She let her arms drop to her side and pulled up one shoulder of her sweater, slouching back towards the road as she followed the oval-shape towards the amphitheatre.[hr][u][b]Taka Tsuin & Momoe Mizuno[/b][/u] "...! Hey, wait, hang on a sec!" Taka shouted from the back of the group towards Izo. "I don't think it's a good idea to wander off alone, maybe you should take someone along- Ow!" Taka wanted to suggest, but was cut off by Momoe having flung the butt of her cigarette straight at his forehead. It wasn't lit anymore so Taka didn't get a burn mark, but the sheer velocity still stung, even as the used-up stick harmlessly bounced onto the ground. "Give it a break. If you got here safe enough on your own, he'll be just fine," she snarked. Taka turned to face her with a scowl, a 'Why you...!' being muttered under his breath, but both their attention was drawn by the spunky girl telling everyone to chill. Momoe raised her eyebrow while Taka's scowl was now directed at Chikako. "What do you mean, chill out?! I just woke up here with no memory, we're seemingly trapped and I'd like some damn answers as to what's going on around here!" Taka snapped at her, but not long after he did, the monitors scattered all around the campground lit up with an identical message being played on each of them. Taka and Momoe's attention was grabbed by the one near the party- albeit Taka's a little more than Momoe's- as it instructed them all to make their way eastward. "Looks like you're getting your answers, hothead. Seems like mr. beauty sleep had the right idea after all," Momoe informed Taka with a smug grin. The boy just silently fumed as Chikako energetically told everyone to kick into gear. The one-eyed girl in the group didn't bother to wait for Chikako's signal as she'd already nonchalantly started to make her way towards the theatre. Taka bit his lip as he looked off to the side. "Tch... whatever." He waited a little before following behind everyone else. Taka's mood was even fouler now, and the boy was also more than a little embarrassed because he made an ass of himself there.