[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/c0/Shadowport-FlyCasualCover.png/revision/latest?cb=20150211215054[/img][/center] All through the Galaxy Shadowports existed. Places where criminals from all over the Galaxy could group together, safe from the governing body of the Galaxy. They were a dime a dozen back in the days of the Republic, since the Empire had come into power their number had decreased significantly. The Empire adopted a 'No Tolerance' policy on the concept of Star Ports. There was no money to be made from them by the corrupt governors, and they were seen as potential breeding grounds of Rebellion and Rebel Activity. What the Empire didn't know is the Ports tended to kick Rebel Cells of them as soon as they formed, they attracted the wrath of the Empire like you wouldn't believe. On one such station an old [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/35/e3/48/35e34847c63503425aa6c8c27c726169.jpg]Separatist Agent, turned pirate[/url] hurried through the corridors, trailed by two droids. Chaos spread throughout the station, word was that the Empire was coming for the station and he had to find a way off. Turns out his crew had decided to take his ship and leave without him the second word spread that the Empire was on it's way. He had been good to his crew, to his people. They held to a code and always made a profit, but others in his crew felt that he wasn't violent enough and they could make more money. They were fools, the lot of them. Violence would lead them to being noticed, being noticed would lead the Empire to coming down hard on them and when you had an Imperial Taskforce after you it wasn't going to end terribly well. Sighing as some form of station 'security' stood barring a door he pulled one of his DL-44s out of it's holster and shot the man in the temple, a shocked expression on his face as he fell backwards onto the ground. Smoke raising from the hole now squarely in the centre of his temple. Once upon a time there was talk of him becoming a Jedi, till he failed the Initiate Trials, cast out and then recruited by the Separatists. What his old tutors would have thought to see him shoot someone in the head. It wasn't murder however, it was self preservation. This idiot felt that it was his duty to stop them from causing chaos, hop on their ships and leave. Maybe he had some hope that if they held people hostage that the ships would be more willing to help defend the station. After all in orbit around the station there were some larger vessels, pirate cruisers and the like. Not that he believed that the [i]Devils Horn[/i] was still out there, it had probably jumped to hyperspace already under the guidance of it's new Captain. Now, there was only one way off this station and to get his ship back. Only one person he'd even consider to be able to help him, in a hanger somewhere around here was a ship far older than anyother. Owned by a man in Mandalorian, with a penchance for loving women and running his mouth. It was often said that if he could fly the same way he ran his mouth he'd be the best smuggler in the Galaxy.