WIP Kingdom Sheet [hider=Kingdom of Byrne]The Kingdom of Byrne is a relatively large island to the west of Asifa. Their government is a feudal based kingdom with the King at the top of the government, then High Lords, Lords, Knights, Merchants, and ultimately commoners. The land consists of many forests, fields, mountains, and rivers. Religion is monotheistic, with the High Priest at the head of the church, with the priests all serving below him. The current King is King Aethelwulf and his husband, Theored.[/hider] [hider=Nation Sheet]Family House Name: Hart Kingdom Location: (Where is your kingdom located?) Crest: (Either present a picture of said family crest, or describe the symbols and colours that would be found on your House shield, or represented in banners) Family Motto: (What is your family motto? I.e, In Victory, Comes Glory) Relations with other Kingdoms: (Explain, or list your House relationships to the other kingdoms) Family Reputation: (How is your House received in their kingdom? Are they notorious/infamous, or well-liked in other Kingdoms? Give us a two sentence explanation minimum.) Main Export of Goods: (What does your Kingdom contribute to the market? Timber, ores (gold, iron, silver, copper, etc.) and minerals, wine, exotic fruits, textiles (i.e, silk, cotton, linen, wool etc.), cattle (cows, sheep, horses, etc.) Description of Kingdom: (Describe your kingdom. Is it mountainous, does it have rivers, or harbors, or seaports? Any castles, strongholds, or keeps? How would your citizens react to outsiders? Does your Kingdom have any form of religion? Are the majority of your citizens educated? How does your kingdom obtain its food, and water? How do they handle sewage?) Family Background: (Describe your House history. How did your family come to power?) Claim to the Throne/House Motives: (What is your House's claim to the throne, meaning, why do they think they should be the next rulers over Formaroth? What are the motives of your House?)[/hider]