[h3]~| Deep within one of Eriadu’s industrial zones |~[/h3] The room was dimly lit, but not a single stain marred the many surfaces within it, just the way Anila Janren liked it. As shock-collared slaves worked hard to clean her audience chamber, she herself sat in her private sanctum, studying the latest report from one of her operatives. It was an interesting read. Apparently the Jedi had lost one of their masters and his apprentice. The fools had probably gone messing with things they did not understand with their limited understanding of the Force. Whomever it was—the name was unfamiliar—her agent indicated it was someone with some value to her enemy. Enough to initiate some sort of rescue, or so her spy claimed. She read on. “Most interesting.” she muttered softly to herself after a few minutes. “Last known location: planet Hoth, Javin Sector.” She thought to herself… ‘Why do I remember that planet name again?’ For a long while, she simply sat there, trying to remember what it was. She was in no hurry. After some time, she realized the source. Her Holocron. It had vague references to something on that planet. At the time, she had not paid the references much attention, but now she supposed she had an excuse to look into it. And to ensure that the two missing Jedi remained so, or even better, took other Jedi with them into death. But first, she would have to wrest everything the Gatekeeper knows about Hoth from the Holocron. That would be equal parts enjoyable and frustrating. Her master had crafted it well. Almost too well. [h3]~|~[/h3] Having proven that she was a true Sith to the Holocron, Anila eventually returned to her chair with her sanctum, sitting down for a minute before pressing a button on a armrest control panel. “1D-10T. Prepare my white ship. It is time.” [hider=ship specs][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/415802012404416522/478856650426417152/unknown.png[/img][/hider] [h3]~| Indeterminate time later |~[/h3] The journey from Hoth to Eriadu let her plan things out. The best solution for this mission would not be to reveal herself to the enemy easily. Therefore, she had brought along a green-bladed lightsaber she found upon the body of a Jedi Knight who died suddenly of bodily function failure. That was a good time, she thought. The Jedi had somehow gotten on her trail. It was not long after she dealt with the meddlesome hutt. Unfortunately for him, he had not only let himself be lured into a trap, out in deep space, but he had also underestimated her. It was her fault that he had sensed her at all, and it was only so because he was nearby and alert when she took just that little extra enjoyment out of decapitating a certain verminous hutt. She had let her sealth down just a few moments, unknowingly enough to attract his attention. When she had realized someone was tracking her, she set up a simple trap, taking advantage of the fact that she could hide her presence in the Force and that she was small enough for him not to even consider a threat. Until it was too late, that is. Once slain, she took his lightsaber as a trophy, and had his ship and body piloted into a nearby star. It would not have done for someone to find him and discover that he had been slain by lightsaber. “Focus” she muttered to herself, pushing the memory back down. It would soon be time to land upon Hoth. A desolate, unwelcoming place if there ever was one. She would have to dress for the weather, with thick clothes that could easily hinder her in battle, but would also serve as decent concealment for her own lightsaber. Her ship could easily be hidden on the surface, its dull white hull hard to distinguish from the ice and snow. With a few of droids on board, it could even be summoned from afar if necessary. Everything should be in place, but it would all depend on how many others might be there. There was next no no chance that she would be alone. But that would just make it more interesting...