[quote=@Master Bruce] Also, a question for everyone in the game: I've been mulling it over a bit, and while I know a second MME is due towards the end of this season, does anybody actually want that or would they rather foxus on their own stuff and have the MMEs reserved for next season, to give a little more breathing room? Reason that I ask is because I don't want to pigeonhole anyone who feels like they absolutely must contribute after missing out on the last, potentially leaving their characters in an awkward phase of a rushed wrap-up if we begin another event. The thing I learned with the first Surfer event is that we can't really control how long it lasts or what happens when there are multiple moving parts, so I wonder if that'd be the case with another, given we're on a time crunch. Plus, it's our Freshman season. Exploring our characters in lieu of a ton of interaction isn't entirely without merit. I'll leave it up to majority rule. Personally, I could go either way. [/quote] I think the best idea is to end the season on a MME but maybe, as an idea, have the 25th of September not be the end of Season 1, but the start of the second Multiplayer event that will [i]end[/i] Season 1. It still keeps to the deadline, then I imagine the event will go on for two/three weeks before ending on a big high five and someone saying "We should team up more often." Obviously not everyone would be required to take part in the event, but there'd be the knowledge that once the event ended it was over. On a side note in terms of progression for the event, whoever the big bad is I'd say maybe one of the GMs should write him/her just so things progress more smoothly. Though I assume some of us would be fighting minions. I just feel like Iris had to do the same thing several times, and one second it looked like the story was progressing and then another test randomly appeared when it was the 'final' test. This is just my two cents.