[Center] [h1][Color=Navy]Aaron Yang[/color][/h1] [h2]Golden Quarter[/h2] [/center][hr][@BrokenPromise][@Letter Bee][@ERode] [b][color=royalblue]”Really now? You would let these cultists run free? You would risk letting them kill innocents by the thousands just to avoid an unsightly execution?”[/color][/b] hearing Mono snap at the cat girl sent a chill down Aaron's spine, [b][color=royalblue]”If you only knew what was required to stand in my position. Low brow rabble such as yourself can keep praying at the temples and hope for a good outcome. As for myself...”[/color][/b] [color=navy][i]'Oh fuck...'[/i][/color] Though his eye were glued shut in fear, Aaron could hear Mono violently strike someone,[b][color=royalblue]”I am a [i]fucking[/i] sin eater! And I will gladly stand beside all the cultists I've slain when their time of judgment comes. Because there isn't a [i]fucking[/i] thing that will make me compromise the safety of this great nation.”[/color][/b] He looked up to his fellow soldiers. [b][color=royalblue]”Run them through!”[/color][/b] Before he could protest, the boy suddenly felt something cold slip through his throat, ripping and tearing his flesh as it passed. Hot, viscous, liquid poured out of Aaron's throat and covered his body as he collapsed to the ground, choking on his own blood. Then... he felt nothing. Adrift in an inky void, Aaron's mind began to wander.... [color=Navy][i]'Is this what it feels like to die? That's it. My second chance is gone just as fast as it came.... Mom, Dad... I'm sorry I failed you. If only I could just.... have another chance...'[/i][/color] Suddenly, his eyes snapped open once again.  Everything had gone back to how it was before everything went to shit.  Aaron's heart stopped, [color=Navy][i]'What was that? A vision? Premonition?Or.... did it factually happen?'[/i][/color]  As he shakily felt himself, affirming that his throat wasn't missing, the girl suddenly took off down the street. The others had also seen it as well. [b]Not Good[/b]... Looking to his down the street to his right, he saw what looked to be a port.  In but a minute, the masked man was due to walk around the left corner and kill them all. Becoming vaguely aware of someone lightly grabbing him, Aaron immediately went into survival mode. Wrenching free of Ashton, he grabbed the other boy's wrist in a vice grip, and marched toward a small side street on the left (If facing the docks) of the street they were currently on.  Beside the street, Yuuki; the boy who had recently been turned into a human popsicle, was sitting against a wall, leisurely sipping tea from a thermos. Aaron's panicked psyche snapped, [color=Navy][i]'Drinking Tea??!?!! At a time like this???[b]Like hell you are!!![/b]'[/i][/color] Approaching Yuuki with Ashton still in tow, Aaron scooped up the backpack and aggressively swatted the cup of tea out of the Japanese boy's hand.  Without a word, Aaron grabbed Yuuki's arm tightly, to the point that it was even beginning to cut off circulation and yanked him to his feet. Continuing off of the main road, Aaron slowed to a brisk walk, weaving between side streets, hopefully making any of the guards lose track of the trio. Though his emotionless expression wouldn't show it, Aaron was terrified out of his mind.  He was going to take a gamble by going to the last place Mono would expect; right where the masked bastard had come from.  Slowly, Aaron led his new allies to the docks.....