[quote=@Sep]I think the best idea is to end the season on a MME but maybe, as an idea, have the 25th of September not be the end of Season 1, but the start of the second Multiplayer event that will [i]end[/i] Season 1. It still keeps to the deadline, then I imagine the event will go on for two/three weeks before ending on a big high five and someone saying "We should team up more often." Obviously not everyone would be required to take part in the event, but there'd be the knowledge that once the event ended it was over. [/quote] [quote=@Lord Wraith] For the record, I am in favour of another MME, I am not in favour of extending the season to accommodate it. If the season needs to be extended for the MME, I'd rather not have another and focus on kicking off Season 2 with a bang or something to that regard. [/quote] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelcinematicuniverse/images/e/e4/Captain_America_Civil_War_Logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20150612150240[/img] In all seriousness, that's up to Morden and Byrd. I defer to whatever the people want in most cases, but that's specifically a matter that I think should be left to GM discretion.