[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180617/71353a5eec6cba2b1c857fd498c73c07.png[/img] [/center] [hr][color=fff200][right][i]La Vida: Wayward House.[/i][/right][/color] Tonight, the moon would find her way inside a very bullet ridden van finding an unconscious girl and boy. Athena would stir to wake and blink the blurriness out of her eyes and as her vision comes to she discovers that she is sitting in a parked van in the passenger seat. Athena rubbed her temples trying to soothe her horrible headache, the lightning strike hadn’t hit her directly, but it had damaged her eyes. No matter how much she blinked, the blurriness would not leave her. The ringing in her ears had faded and she could hear just fine and she let out a breath of relief. Athena then realized this was not where she had been before she had blacked out, she had been falling out of the sky. “That woman, she must have saved me…” she says has she holds her head. She looks around and takes in her surroundings. It had looked like someone one was living in this van, she looked to the floor of her van and found the boy who she assumed lived in said van. The girl clicked off the seat belt that and was glad the boy had at least thought of safety first when he grabbed her from where ever she had been. Athena stood up as best she could and crawled to the back, she needed to find out why this boy was also unconscious. She then realized she was in her socks and her hoody was gone, was she robbed while she was unconscious? She pressed the thought to the back of her mind as she struggled to the back with out stepping on the boy. Athena first checks if the boy is responsive and when he doesn’t respond to her calling, she checks his breathing and his pulse which she finds. She examines his body which she notices that is very…well kept, however, she finds blood on his leg and sees a that he has a wound that was wrapped in an attempted to stop the bleeding. Blood was seeping out of the make shift wrap, she needs to get him to a hospital but looking around seeing all the bullet holes she thought this guy would probably not want to get the police involved. “Okay I guess you’re coming with me,” she says to the unconscious boy. Athena jumps into the driver’s seat and starts the vehicle, she was not the best driver and her vision was darkened. However, she had to get him back to the house and properly take care of his wound. She did not know why this boy had picked her up but seeing the van and the boys state she could tell he had saved her. They were not far from the house and it only took a short time to get back home, once home she had disabled the ward to allow the boy to pass through the ward and took him to the med-bay. She had found Wild-Heart lying in one of the beds and Matt sleeping in a chair. Athena floats the boy into one of the clean beds across from Wild-Heart. Athena hurried and grabbed a suture’s kit, she had unwrapped the wound and cleaned it then started closing the wound. It was her first time stitching up a wound, but she had seen Ashlyn stitch animal wounds. Her hands were shaky but with her telekinesis she was as steady as a surgeon.