[center][h3]DSS [I]Audie Murphy[/I][/h3][/center][hr]As the battle raged, Carver hardly noticed the creature on top of the Goliath moving around. His attention was fully focused on the enemies in front of him. The battle was going in the UED's favor, with creatures falling left and right to their fire. Oddly enough, it seemed like their weapons were almost [i]too[/i] effective, often punching clean through the creatures. It made sense- they were designed to go through things with much more armor than these creatures. Despite their similarities to the Zerg, these creatures lacked one of their distinctive traits- an armored carapace. Either way, even if the rounds had a tendency to pass clean through, they still did enough damage to kill or incapacitate them. Them being aerial targets made them somewhat harder to hit, but the sheer volume of the Marines' fire made up for that. And once they were knocked onto the ground, they were sitting ducks. Unfortunately, Carver's fears were realized when all of the creatures simultaneously decided to charge the Marines. Fortunately, they had prepared for this exact scenario. The Marines opened fire on the swarm, a barrage of gauss fire ripping through the enemy's ranks. As the creatures flew closer to the ground, they came into range of the Goliath's gauss cannons. The Goliaths, each having three gauss cannons (two on the sides, and a smaller one below the main chassis), opened fire, shredding the enemy. If whatever was on top of the Goliath was still there, they might want to cover their ears. And, if that wasn't enough, the other crashed ship had hit them with their own attack. It was bright and colorful, and it set many of the enemies on fire. It reminded Carver of Protoss weapons, as they had a similar effect. Either way, the swarm was getting torn apart, and it seemed like they would soon be destroyed by the combined assault. As the swarm was almost upon them, however, they suddenly broke. The charge fell apart, and the creatures began flailing, screeching, or, in some cases, attacking each other. As the surviving creatures were put down, Carver watched, astonished, while the adjutant spoke to him. [i]Well, shit, I guess that's that. Nice shot, Specialist.[/i] [hr] Meanwhile, Specialist Lee was sitting down at the wall, taking in deep breaths. The fight had taken a lot out of him, and it was a small miracle that he was able to stand up to take that shot. Looking over to where the large creature's corpse lay, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of satisfaction. The C-10 was designed to go through heavy armor, and when it was used on unarmored, fleshy targets, it tended to have a rather...dramatic effect. He could see one of the other creatures, staring at him in what he assumed was disbelief. He smiled a bit at that (although they wouldn't see it, as [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/1/11/Ghost_SCR_HeadAnim.gif/revision/latest?cb=20170728165027]his face was covered[/url]). For a while, he sat there, watching them. He saw one of them approach the downed creature, moving in for what looked like a mercy kill. [i]Well, they aren't savages, at least.[/i] He watched as it spat out something, and then...sat down? Interesting. While he'd love to communicate with them, they likely didn't speak any human languages. He could try to psychically communicate with them, but he was too exhausted to attempt that right now. And, even if he had the energy, he'd want to make sure they knew what he was doing first. So, until then, he sat there, resting.