[@Zyngard][@Metatrooper] Memoriae was wanting to know more about the sniper, He was wanting to know more about him. But for the time being he would have to keep the sniper alive if he wanted to learn more. Suddenly standing in front of the sniper to try and stop speak with the human to stop him form shooting, "[color=fff200]Please hooman their is no need to shot, He is only trying to help you. As i want to help rid of this pesky virus[/color]" He said trying to reason with the human. If he could not reason with the human then he would use his magic, Using his abilities to try change the memories of this solider to make him think they are also solider willing to help them. His voice sounding smoothing and further away then he sounded before, His long strange fingers moving back and forth and even opening and closing. If he failed that then he would have to keep trying to reason with the human.