My plan is that Team 7 will certainly be involved in the next MME, but with my current rate of posting... I don't know how feasible that will be. Now, that's the selfish reason I say to hold off until Season 2. But from a thematic standpoint, it might make sense -- given the condensed seasons -- to spread out the events, anyway; whereas before the events were like a bookend, tying a longer season together, now they could serve as more of a through-line tying separate seasons together. Also, bear in mind that the very conceit of this game is that our characters are ostensibly very new to this superhero-ing business, and dropping a ton of shit in their lap all at once might be a bit much. It might be like having the Avengers fight Thanos in the first movie, rather than the third. Just to devil's advocate a bit, as the general response has been neutral/leaning towards Season 1. (And, seriously... my ass would have to get [i]moving[/i].)