[@Guess Who],[@The Irish Tree],[@AdmiralStalfos19],[@Sunbather],[@Kal-EL] The Prison was in full chaos as the prisoners broke free from their cells. The silence of the corridors were now replaced by shouting and alarms. The air hung frozen in time with a certain stillness as they planned for their next move, the woman knew escaping was not going to be easy and getting past these gaurds was the first difficult step...at least for her. She had never been much of a fighter save for arguements with the local rich snobs and now she had to worry about taking out armed gaurds. Her magic was returning but slowly, while she could feel it there, it was still weak, not even good enough to use on her sweat. She had seen the others take out a few and it looked like the coast as one of the other prisoners yelled out to take what they can and leave the rest after knocking out a gaurd with his hilt. She saw the splatter of blood from the man's seemingly lifeless body and gagged at the sight of it. She had never seen blood before with the exception of her own, yet it was none the less disgusting. After she regained her composure, she ran to the nearest man with the least amount of blood escaping from his body and stripped him of his armor. She tried not to wretch as she gathered armor, weapon, and radio from the unconcious person and put on [color=0054a6]"A little big, but I'll manage"[/color] she thought. Surely they would have enough time to get the possessions they came in with [color=0054a6]"What about our stuff"[/color] she asked the man