So I've mentioned a long while ago on a separate thread how few dreams/nightmares I've had in my lifetime. And how the few I have now aren't very unique. But I never specified my weird dreams. So, here's one of my youngest/vividly remembered dream/nightmare. So, I was going inside the karate dojo I went to for lessons. (Bonus Fact: Black Belt. My older brother, also a black belt with extra strips, also taught at the dojo for a bit. :3) So when I get inside, there's nobody but my instructor, some woman (though I remember the details, not important to the story.) and this younger classmate of mine. (She was a grade younger than my class, but she had advanced abilities in one or more of her subjects. I think most people liked her fine.) So, since I recognized her and I called for her. She answers me with "I hear something..." Pauses. Then she speaks, "Buzzzzzzzzzz." Suddenly, giants bees crash through the front glass and attack me. Shoves the stringer through my arm, which knocks me to the ground and the bees go away quickly afterward. And this woman and my mom (somehow) are in a panic and rush to my side as I stand up and look at a part of the stringer still stuck in my arm. The woman comes over and pulls at it, but when she takes it out she peels off all my skin off from my whole hand/arm which make it look black, rotten and full of holes. They look horrified. I wake up. There's literally nothing that prompted this. It's also probably coincidental that I believe I was actually stung by bees, or maybe I remember being told that my mother was deathly allergic to them after the fact like a few days later. Young me always had an imagination.