[@Vampire Stepdad] Varrus turned his gaze away from his equipment and toward Kotze. [color=violet]Just an examination on the shoulder? Are you sure?[/color] Varrus tilted his head downward to mimic disappointment since his face couldn't really give others a reading. [color=violet]That's a shame, the potato scooper really would have help bring out those pretty eyes.[/color] He said as he slowly put away an actual potato scooper. He walked over to Kotze and then stepped behind him to examine his shoulder. [color=violet]Did you dislocate it? That's what it looks like. I'll pop it back in place. Just relax. It's your first time with me so I'll be gentle....sorry. That came out wrong.[/color] Varrus bent the affected side's elbow to 90 degrees. He began to grip the the elbow with both hands and apply a traction away from Kotze. Taking one hand off the elbow and placing it on the forearm. He slowly externally rotated the elbow. He continued to maintain traction on the elbow with his other hand. He listned for a popping sound and felt the shoulder. He waited to feel the ball of the humerus back in its socket. [color=violet]That should do it.[/color] Varrus took his hands off of Kotze and walked over to his table. [color=violet]I'm required to document all the injury and the procedure taken to fix the injury. I also need to document if any medications are administered. Would you like for me to pescribe you something? I could give you something simple for the pain though it won't be unbearable. On the other hand, my specialty in the medical field was augmentation and biochemistry, I'm always looking to test new chemicals I have developed. I could give you something I created and see the results.[/color] Varrus walked over to one of his cases and opened to reveal several syringes and vials of strange liquid. [color=violet]You don't have to if you don't want to but I'm sure I could pay you back. I'm a doctor, I do have a fortune that the alliance never got their hands on. I could pay you for the time.[/color] Varrus then turned to face Kotze. [color=violet]I could help with other things as well. For one, those weak exercises you do to keep us out your mind won't do. My specialty was forcefully extracting info from someone's mind during interrogation. Also, as Illtihids, telepathy is our main form of communication. Keeping us out is always more difficult. I could train you to strengthen your mind if you wish.[/color]