Valanx walked over to the cryo-pod in the cargo bay. It looked pretty banged up, but there had just been a major fight with some of the most vicious aliens in the galaxy, so that could explain it. The interior was also more padded that most cryo-pods were, particularly at one end, indicative that it had, indeed, held a living creature, perhaps the girl he had seen with the captain - the size of the pod looked to be about right for the girl. He looked at the screen near the pod's control panel. "Warning! Motherboard damaged. Emergency backup systems active," blinked on the screen. He cursed. Now he would probably have to dismantle the entire thing to get the hard drive out and access the manifest. He tapped a few of the keys to try to see what he could before the backup systems failed. When he tried to access the hard drive, a window popped up requesting authorization. He entered his credentials, and waited for a moment. Soon, a message appeared. "Insufficient clearance," it read. Valanx growled. He would probably have to get the captain to authorize access to the hard drive. He had the highest clearance of anyone on board, so unless the information contained on the hard drive was incredibly high security, he should have the necessary credentials. Valanx touched the comms device in his ear and spoke. "Captain, I've looked over the cryo-pod. The circuitry is pretty damaged, so I'm going to try to transfer the critical components to a more stable system, and I'll need your authorization to access the information on the hard drive." [@Jones Sparrow][@Esailia]