[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmFiMmIyYi5RMkZ0YVd4aElFUmxiQ0JDYjNOeGRXVSwuMA,,/mal-de-ojo1.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] Camila had lost the scope of the fight as she took shelter underneath a bleacher while she assembled the mobile connection, but she could tell things weren't going well. The sound of pitched combat was as strong as ever, and judging by the guns around the edges going silent, the stony bastards had gotten to the Maverick troops on the wall. [color=9e0b0f]"Any chance that this swarm of rock biters is fizzling out, Captain?"[/color] Camila shouted through the radio, struggling to plug in one of the connectors to the devices on her arms. [color=9e0b0f]"Going to have a rough time here if Command decides to break out the attack bombers. Time on the Quicksilver uplink?"[/color] "Ready for feedback on our end, and I have bad news and worse news for those first two comments," Brennan said over the radio coolly. "The bad news is as far as we can tell these things are still coming. We're in a secure position but I don't like our odds if the Oni realize we're here." [color=9e0b0f]"Of fucking course. What's the worse news?"[/color] "We couldn't call in bombers if we wanted to, our communications are completely dead," Brennan revealed. "We've tried to contact everyone from Command to the damned PLA and nothing has gone through. Everything local still works like Quicksilver and our regional communicators but otherwise we're cut off from the outside world." [color=9e0b0f]"[i]Mierda...[/i]you think the weather is the issue?"[/color] Camila asked, attaching the last connector into place and crawling out from under the stands. "Entirely possible, bad weather usually doesn't act on our systems like this, but statues usually don't invade stadiums either." [color=9e0b0f]"Let's hope those are the only surprises we see then. I'm about to activate the Quicksilver link, stand by."[/color] Camila, fortunately, found that the Oni's had abandoned the bleachers in favor of attacking the mass of champions and civilians trapped near the center of the combat arena, leaving her free to ascend to the higher area. Dashing up the closest staircases, she switched on the power source for the up-link and- [i][b][color=fff200]"Children of Jimmu...your twilight has come."[/color][/b][/i] Camila stopped short and turned back towards the stadium. The fight had come to a sudden stop as the powerful voice boomed across the stadium like a thunderclap. The stone creatures all stood back in reverence as a cloaked figure emerged from one of the entrances, floating overhead before landing on a broken stand overlooking the assembled Nomads, civilians, and others fighting the stone horde. [color=9e0b0f]"Quicksilver, NOW,"[/color] Camila whispered urgently, jamming the power switch on the mobile system. [color=9e0b0f]"This is going to get messy."[/color] [i][b][color=fff200]"I am returned from the World of Darkness, seeking retribution for my people who were cast out of this world long ago. It was in the shadow of this mountain that your ancestors brought the oni to their extinction millennia ago, and it is in the shadow of this mountain that the extinction of mankind will begin."[/color][/b][/i] The figure addressing the crowd raised his arms, revealing a glowing white gauntlet on one of his hands before ripping off his cloak and leaping from the stands, landing with a tremendous boom that shook the whole stadium and sent up an obscuring cloud dust around him. This mist cleared as an oni rose to his full height before the nomads, venerable but powerful, with a mane of white hair and lethally sharp teeth and claws. Unlike the others though, this one was clearly flesh and blood, the red of his skin standing out sharply against the rain-soaked arena as he approached the more forward members of the mass of Nomads with murder in his eyes. [i][b][color=fff200][url=https://res.cloudinary.com/jerrick/image/upload/c_fit,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_auto,w_1140/fi8ndtsmj3w5vf4bd1sy]"I am Daichi, the Revenant Oni King!"[/url][/color][/b][/i] Daichi declared, holding his war club aloft as the oni horde around him gave a triumphant warcry. [i][b][color=fff200]"By my hand, the blood of the Oni shall be repayed in the blood of man! Now...which of you will be the first to die?"[/color][/b][/i]