[color=red][center][h2][b]Native District[/b][/h2][/center][/color] It was a massacre. It was absolute insanity. It was a riot, the language of the oppressed and the downtrodden when words were simply not enough. But this riot was different, these men were not merely breaking property and shouting their defiance into the sky. No these men were killing each other, brother slaying brother, father slaying son, every single rioter in the streets was absolutely blinded with rage as they attempted to strike out at the world for its treatment of them, for destroying their homes in these seemingly impossible events one after the other. These were broken men who could only speak in violence, for the world had taken everything from them. All they knew how to do was to take back. Those few priests who survived the destruction of the Foreign District shouted from the rooftops, proclaiming how the Kami themselves wished for the cleansing of the land, city government figures ordered rioters to burn buildings so they may start anew. But it was clear who the leaders of this madness were, it was the people who citizens would look up to most, the people who held authority. But in unison, they all stopped their speeches. Their lips ceased movement, as they stared into space, as if they were all thinking the same thoughts. Then their lips began moving once more, all calling out the same message. [center][b]"Why do you fight amongst yourselves brothers!? We must focus on the true enemy! Those vicious devils who have lived amongst us! Those who profit off our misery, the open secret we have bared for too long!"[/b][/center] The rioters did not hear their words, so focused were they in their rage, the only thing they could hear was the splatter of blood on the ground and the beat of their own hearts. Until the gunfire began. Two yakuza members began firing into the crowd, shouting obscenities at those figures as they tried to quell the riot with deadly force. They were quickly torn apart, hacked into pieces by screaming civilians as they turned on those two foolish men. [center][b]"We must tear them down, we must work with the foreigners who try to tear down these monsters who have destroyed us! They were the cause of the destruction of the Foreign District, they were the ones who had the most to profit from it! They are the ones who hoard food to themselves, leaving us to starve in the wake of this tragedy! They are the ones who summon this monster who tears through our flesh, they wish to cull us and take over our fair city for themselves! The yakuza must fall!"[/b][/center] A thunderous roar emanated from the crowd, mob mentality taking over as they began to move towards a common destination. Inconsistencies in the argument were disregarded, the figures who led the mob led them with charisma, not solid logic and arguments. Yakuza in their path were slaughtered, weapons were taken as they went for the yakuza safehouse that the criminals fled to when faced with the law. But this law was powerful, more powerful than any they had faced. For this was the law of the lawless, any who had slighted them must perish. [center][b]"Men of the mafia! Foreigners who come to destroy the outlaws that lay in our midst! Accept our offer of help, join us in rooting out this evil! We shall no longer let outsiders do all the work, every man must band together if we are to slaughter the wolves who prey on us!"[/b][/center] The mafia were ignored entirely, helped even as they were led by the rioters to the first of the four mafia safehouses in the Native District. A safehouse where the innocent had come to take refuge. Those people that the Horse of Fuyuki had worked so hard to save, those innocents who merely wished to be safe from the chaos that lurked outside those doors. They were to be torn apart, for they had sided with the criminals who destroyed the land. The doors shook, the collective crowd ramming against it with all their might. Indeed, every single rioter in the Native District was now entirely focused on this building, it was unnatural for so many to gather so quickly. The doors held for a minute, but no level of enchantment by Magus could possibly hold back the wrath of thousands at once. Violent men poured in from every opening to slaughter every single person in the building. Men, women, children, but the yakuza most of all. They were shot down by others wielding their rifles, more picked up the fallen's weapons. Civilians fell to the gunfire of the cornered yakuza, but for every man who fell three men of the yakuza were slaughtered and there simply weren't that many yakuza. The civilians were next, their cries for mercy unheard. They were allies of the devil, they consorted with demons in human flesh, there was no mercy for them. It was an absolute massacre, it was the worst of humanity condensed into the span of a singular moment. And after every soul in that building was extinguished, it was looted of all weapons and burnt to the ground. The process would repeat for the next safehouse. The yakuza would fall today, they would die for their sins. And in unison, a small smirk emerged on the face of every leader of the riot. Delightful.