As he stood there with Anna, Kristoff, and Sven, the boy wonder known as Kai had no words for the awe-inspiring sight that was in front of him. The peaks of the castle, the flawless craftsmanship, and the way everything looked so lifelike. It was truly like something out of his mother’s books that he remembered her reading to him when he was a little boy. Actually, it was [i]exactly[/i] like how the illustrations described the famed Frozen Castle of… [color=20b2aa]“Oh my god…”[/color] Kai muttered to himself, earning a glance from Kristoff. [color=0076a3]“Is everything okay Kai?”[/color] He asked, glancing over at the teen, showing a genuine concern. [color=20b2aa]“I’m fine. It’s just this castle reminded me of my childhood.”[/color] [color=0076a3]“Yeah, castles do that to you,”[/color] he nodded, earning a raised eyebrow from Kai. Going back to what was more important, Kai glanced Anna’s way. He couldn’t help but notice how she was frozen in the spot she stood at. After he further investigated her face, it appeared to be she was stuck in a trance-like state. He waved his hands in front of her face, but it didn’t work. Something about the sight of this castle had sent her mind somewhere. Kai wasn’t sure, but he had to imagine that it had to do with this castle. Perhaps Queen Elsa was in there? It did appear to be made out of some sort of crystalline materials. If Kai recalled, she was an ice user, so perhaps she took refuge in this goliath of a castle. [color=0076a3]“Anna?”[/color] Kristoff tried to get her attention, but as he quickly found out just like Kai did a moment ago, she didn’t respond. [color=0076a3][b]“ANNA!”[/b][/color] He yelled. [color=f7941d]“Wha--huh?”[/color] [color=0076a3]“Finally, she’s back with us,”[/color] Kristoff gave Kai a thumbs up gesture, “she’s back with us.” [color=20b2aa]“That’s wonderful news, Kristoff!”[/color] Kai smiled, then got in front of Anna, [color=20b2aa]“are you okay, Princess?”[/color] Wow, Kai didn't expect to call her princess. Since when was he so formal?” [color=f7941d]“I-uh--yeah, I’m fine. What just happened?”[/color] [color=20b2aa]“When you saw that castle, we lost you there for a good minute,”[/color] Kai informed her. [color=f7941d]“Oh. I guess it just reminded me of something from my past,”[/color] she confessed, holding her arm. [color=0076a3]“Must’ve been some memory,”[/color] Kristoff couldn’t help but point out the obvious. Rolling his eyes, Kai wondered what the memory could’ve been. To send her into such a state, he did wonder if it had anything to do with Elsa - not that Kai had any sort of proof. Honestly, unless they actually went to the castle, Kai wouldn’t know for sure if Elsa was even in there. [color=20b2aa]“Well, we aren’t gonna get any answers standing around,”[/color] Kai stated, rubbing his head.[color=20b2aa] “Let’s just head to the castle and find out if Elsa and Cielle are there or not!”[/color] He suggested, turning around to face the others. After what felt like them pondering their options, they smiled at Kai, smiling in agreement. Even Sven, the reindeer nodded - which prompted Kai to walk forward. Not long after, Anna and the others followed him. As they ventured up the hill that the castle was on, the winds really started to pick up. It was like a blizzard and a hurricane all wrapped up into one, sending snow in front of them while shooting winds of an unmeasurable amount of speeds their way. While it posed no immediate danger to them, one couldn’t help but wonder just how cold it really was. That wasn’t even including the fact that they still had no idea of knowing if who they were after was actually in the castle. [color=20b2aa]“We’ve made it!”[/color] Kai celebrated that they were just outside the castle gates. [color=0076a3]“Time to see if your friend is here, Kai!”[/color] As Kristoff stepped forward, Kai immediately felt something in the ground was off. [color=20b2aa]][i]We’re too high up for this to be an earthquake.[/i][/color] Kai wasn’t a weather expert, but he knew this wasn’t natural. Soon, he’d be proven right as something quite large it the shape of a snowman rose up from the ground, whacking Kristoff from the ground and sending him way high into the air, disappearing from Kai’s periphery - but that wasn’t where Kai’s attention went. In addition to the giant snowman who had a weird aura around him, those same winter-themed Heartless from before were in front of the Abdominal Snowman. This time, however, there was over three dozen of them. [color=f7941d]“Kai, what are these things?”[/color] [color=20b2aa]“Heartless. They are creatures of darkness who go after those with doubt in their hearts,”[/color] Kai said, surprising himself. Maybe Cielle’s lectures weren’t for nothing, after all. [color=20b2aa]“Stay behind me, Anna! I’ll protect you!”[/color] [color=f7941d]“Oh, okay…”[/color] She hesitated, getting behind the blond teen as he summoned his Keyblade. When the heartless came for him, he’d strike! [hr] Meanwhile, in the castle, those within it would hear an alarming sound of someone screaming as they came down from the room, literally crashing through the roof and several levels until he landed on a bed of snow created by Elsa as she suspected it. [color=0076a3]“T-thank you…”[/color] Kristoff was aching and he slowly got up, seeing the pair of blonde women in front of him. [color=0076a3]“Hey you look like--you must be Elsa!”[/color] So, Kai was right after all! Then Kristoff put it together. [color=0076a3]“And you must be Cielle! Oh, Ka--”[/color] As Kristoff was about to say something to the two ladies, he heard screams from outside the castle doors. [color=0076a3]“Oh noooo! What’s that?”[/color]