Okay I will have something up soon on this thread and I'd love some input on it from those interested To give you an idea of how this game works it is based on the Aberrant RP by White Wolf The information below this line will be part of the RP’s OOC [hr] [u][b]The Game[/b][/u] There are no "winners" or "losers" in Aberrant. The idea is not to "beat the other Players, as much as having everyone's characters cooperation which may prove essential to your survival. Nor is it the goal to "beat" the Storyteller (Your's Truly) nor is it my goal as the Storyteller to defeat the Players; we are all here to write the best Story possible. I know it’s difficult at times to accept my rulings, the limitations I place but in the end I am your Benevolent Dictator and my terrible duty to make the decisions on what is and isn’t acceptable. [u][b]The World[/b][/u] This world is based loosely on the Aberrant world (Very Loosely) because I’d like to keep things as simple as possible. I want to limit the upper levels of power in the beginning at least as far as the PC’s are concerned so that people are at least on the same power point levels. The biggest point I want to make is there are no Supers below the age of 17 and if you want me to bore you I can write some pseudo science sounding reason why that is so but in reality it is because 10 year olds hanging out with adults is creepy. As I pointed out in the first post the eruption of Gammas began shortly after the first Atomic bomb tests. In the beginning it was a trickle of Gamma but as the world powers took a bit of time to catch on to the fact that bomb testing was part of the cause of people being granted the power of Demi Gods so by 1962 the number of new Gamma was 1,500 worldwide and by 1975 4,000+ which caused the powers that be a great deal of concern and forced the Zurich Accords which argued on many points but the one that concerned Gamma the most was “Do Gamma Have the same rights as everyone else?”