[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmUwYTAwMC5XbUZqYUdGeWVTQk9lWEpwWkEsLC4w/radcliffe.display-bold-italic.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/vg3Ydu_3KzAHQbh7UDnham1Hqqcof4lMH6NVXx4Cy_w/https/2.bp.blogspot.com/-CcYd8Jyz1Wo/WSKo-e7PrwI/AAAAAAAAB8I/cS3z2Cy0trsxpoo0rf0IB4LvgujiljX-gCLcB/s1600/bard%2Band%2Brobin.jpg?width=489&height=678[/img][/center] [hr] [center][@LordVoldemort][@Astrolia][@Samsno][/center] Zachary dashed through the dust from the recent destruction. Not wanting to run directly into anything, as soon as he exited the dust cloud he skid to a stop along the square's carved stone. Not too far from his position was a group of guardsmen repelling the pirate attack as the savages charged from the docks. Zachary quickly made his way around the outskirts of the square towards their location and soon he could see more details from within the group. The soldiers formed a defensive perimeter around what would seem to be two young mages casting fire spells into the pirate hordes. [color=Gold]"[i]Qué afortunados somos[/i]!"[/color] Zachary spoke in revelation. [color=Gold]"Such young, brave mages to come to these peoples aid!"[/color] Although Zachary wasn't the most well educated he could deduce that those two were probably royalty... well, at least one of them maybe? Either way getting as close to them as possible was his best option: an enclosed circle of guards, powerful magic, and loads of troops in need of inspiration from a handsomely dashing bard. With the guards closing a tight enclosure around the two Zachary had little options to get close. On his quick approach Zachary noticed that one of the guards had left an opening as he charged an oncoming pirate. Not one to pass up the opportunity the bard made a mad dash for the opening and slid into the fray as a sword flew over his head. With such an entrance Zachary couldn't help but naturally come up to his feet from his slide and do a front flip; one could mistake it for a performers stage entrance. As the bard's feet landed proper nearby the young mages he played a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vERn0cRO6M4]little tune to notify them of his presence[/url]. [color=Gold]"[i]Hola, amigos[/i],"[/color] the bard spoke in a rather calm, low voice. The tune still played as he introduced himself. [color=Gold]"I do believe we haven't met before, but we shall save introductions for later. My music shall wash away your doubts and fears, for we are at battle! [i]¡Empuja el ataque![/i]"[/color] A smirk crept up Zachary's lips as he was gushing with adrenaline and excitement all the same. Somewhere else nearby he could hear... wait, was that singing? It seems Zachary was not the only brave soul with a musical talent to jump into the fray. No matter, should they choose to come to him then their combined efforts could inspire troops throughout the entire city! Without another moment's hesitation [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHFV-BgeQh4]Zachary let his fingers loose onto his guitar, letting the tune emanate everywhere to the ears of his newfound allies.[/url]