[@Dealdric][@Shadow Dragon][@Strong Potato][@gentlemanvaultboy] "Hey! You guys took him down without me. Good work!" Mikkish exclaimed as he walked up to the rest of the guys covered in gore. In addition to the bite he had taken earlier, he had a couple other scratches on him from when he was massacering zombies. In addition to this, as he was destroying zombie skulls with his bare hands he had gotten some blood in his mouth and maybe a drop or two in his eyes. As far as he knew, mages would be immune to zombie bites just as they were to nearly every other illness. He never thought to try and avoid it. He overheard another undead, Slaen, speak. After looking over him for a second, Mikkish figured he wasn't hostile, and likely like the rest of them. Gunshots rang out from elsewhere in the mall. "So are you...some kind of zombie viking?" He looked also at Zanii "Why aren't either of you trying to eat people and the rest of these zombies are?"