[hr][hr][centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/ctoiNg6.png[/img][/centre][hr][hr] Zev straightened up to face the man, raising himself to his full six and a half feet and squaring his broad shoulders. The other's clothes, as decorated and exotic as they were, made him feel a little embarrassed about his own simple grey travelling garb and Zevemar didn't deal particularly well with strangers even in ideal circumstances. As it was, the oddly familiar divination magic hanging around this Half-Elf's shoulders, combined with his nonhuman-but-tolerated presence in Alanla had struck a nerve with the wizard and he was feeling less than willing to be snarked. However, Andrimar hadn't raised his son to be rude to strangers and Zevemar had befriended Io rather than learn the skill himself so he had only one recourse when faced with someone who he hadn't warmed to; icy politeness. "It seems that you can just wait for the water to come to you though. My name is Zevemar, Acolyte of The Spire, this is my friend and colleague, Iolanthe." His tone was clipped and formal, his hand indicating Io to his left as he mentioned her.