The start of the RP involved the Dark Magical Girls going on a hunt during the night for the Nightmares. The conflict escalated when two Light Magical Girls showed up: Mari (the Hag) and Tsukoyomi (Getsuga), and began their cleansing duties, with the former eliminating the Nightmares with a lightshow that'd make Pink Floyd proud and the latter getting up close and personal with Black Shot. During the fight between the last two, a construction site was brought down. That scene ended with the Hag and Getsuga eliminating a good deal of the nightmares, leaving the rivalling crew without the power they wanted from them. After that came a meeting in the Detention Club to discuss christmas plans, which was soon interrupted by the Hag coming in and leaving some cookies for the club to enjoy as a way of paying respects to them. Besides the fact that it's a child of the light coming down to the meeting grounds of the dark ones, Ami got enraged over the Hag's high and mighty attitude and broke a desk. Another magical girl of the light that was looking for her backpack, Bastion, sensed this nearby conflict and came in, locking out our furious black knight and almost provoking a fight between the two of them and the entire Detention Club. The situation, however, was defused, and both the Hag and Bastion retreated and stumbled upon Getsuga, who goes to this same school. She chastized the two of them over this, talked with Bastion a little about the missing backpack deal and, after a bit of chatter over the matter, they agreed to meet at Getsuga's family diner. In the detention club the matters of the christmas party were discussed once the two intruders left and it was quickly decided that they'd host a friendly tourney over it: the team that wins gets a gift from the rest of the club, the one that loses hosts it. Currently, the two active magical girls are in Getsuga's diner (Bastion and Getsuga) while the Dark Magical Girls are about to hold their tourney at the local park. [hr] That's more or less it. I suggest you go over it yourself as this may not be accurate and to see how your character'd behave with this kind of information in mind, just in case. If I've got something wrong, feel free to point it out. EDIT: Forgot to tag you [@SimpleWriter]