[url=https://fontmeme.com/cobra-kai-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180815/e04cc55064fc9bf2c9058743839bd72b.png[/img][/url] [color=9e0b0f]”Do be such a party pooper! This is a pub, a pub! You have to get into the atmosphere! Kakaakaa! Besides all the food her sucks anyway! The... the only good thing here is the booze, the just tastes like tree bark and need the goddamn booze to wash it down!”[/color] Musashi laughed in a rather strange fashion and her arm would tighten around the living Bomb as she tried to take another chug only to find it was stil empty. She looked towards the waiter in irritation and started to shout to the staff. [color=9e0b0f]”Come on where’s the booze! I asked for it like long ass time ago! Wait girly did you say you had a boat! You’re the best lil sis!”[/color] The white haired swordswoman wrapped her arms around the living Bomb with strength that betrayed her frame. Somehow during all this Jeanette had become the drunk madwoman’s lil sis. The rambling caused by alcohol induced idiocy were quite terrible. [color=9e0b0f]”Well let’s go on an adventure! And Sail the seas! And- huh, So yer pirates who got plundered, robbers who got robbed! Nice oh, so very nice!”[/color] The Red eyed swordswoman walked over dragging Jeanette with her and started slapping Dereck across the back in a playful manner, only it felt like a 2 by 4 was being slammed into him. And in her drunken state she started singing. [color=9e0b0f]”The pirates who, got plundered! The pirates who got plundered![/color] Then she started laughing. The staff looked at what was going on and immediately fled into the kitchen. The patrons of the pub either got weapons or tried to step out the back entrance. Musashi had set down a powder keg. That was ready to explode and one wrong move would cause the pub to be engulfed in chaos.