Though they'd reached parts of the ship even the attendant Ratling failed to fully understand, his mood had remained positive, singing a hymn that Alexa hadn't heard before, though it struck a bell in her mind that had her nodding along to its lyrics, albeit not humming or singing personally. That said, all were stunned into silence by the presence of an interloper within the bowels of the ship - a man who turned out to be misshapen, and then transpired to be a mutant, fearful enough that Confessor Horacio found himself trying to shoot down the humanoid monstrosity. Alexa herself held back by offering intense internal prayer, mumbling under her breath as the creature went to its family, offering them a chance to discuss the matter further. Naturally, as their spiritual superior, the Confessor was the first port of call that Sister-Celestian Victorine turned to, and frankly speaking, his speech was about as well-reasoned as was allowable. Alexa might have proposed that the kindest thing would be to execute Old Gruk and his family immediately, followed by prayer that their souls might reach the Emperor's side and be cleansed, for to die in repentance was surely better than to live in sin, but it'd be more pertinent for it to offer its assistance first, to find both the heretic and any others who may be lurking in the bowels of the ship, so deep that the Emperor's Light failed to reach them, and indeed to at least confirm that it was living proof of its own sinful ways before ending its sinful life. She'd had her fill of excessive speech today, regardless; thus, Alexa held her tongue, and simply nodded visibly once Horacio's proposal was done.